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xxxxxWelcome to Lassiter!

    • Rasheed Toure - Prometheus founder & administrator
    • Lily Catherine Allred - researcher& spy
    • Elie Tessier - lab manager
    • Ansel James Covey - guard
  • Prometheus Labrats (Lassiter, 2023)
Notes & Trivia

xxxxxThe largest and most heavily guarded of the Prometheus labs, Lassiter is where nearly all Prometheus inmates are taken upon first arrival; intake most commonly happens here as well as an initial assessment of abilities to decide what projects they would be most usefully assigned to. Lassiter also acts as a frequent transfer station for inmates being moved from one facility to another. Though many of the more esoteric projects happen in Prometheus's many satellite labs around the country, a lot of the most heavy genetics research happens at Lassiter, likely due to the immense diversity of available test subjects always at hand.

Important Events

xxxxxAnything particularly noteworthy happen in this spot? Note it here!

Lassiter Resarch Facility
Neighborhood (redacted), Ohio
Type Prometheus Facility
Hours of Operation 24/7
Mutant-friendliness mutants SO very welcome here!!!
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2023-07-30)
If Clint, Lucien Jax, Charles, Gaétan, Spencer, Elie, Matt
  • (2023-07-28)
Yom Zeh Mechubad Jax, Wendy, Avi, Joshua, Shane, B, Erik, Spencer
  • (2023-07-28)
New Strategies Echo, Roscoe Jax, Gaétan, Nahida
  • (2023-07-28)
In Which the People Shouted, and the Trumpets Were Blown. As Soon as the People Heard the Sound of the Trumpets, They Raised a Great Shout, and the Wall Fell Down Flat; so the People Charged Straight Ahead Into the City and Captured it. Scott, Chevy, Jax, Fury, Wendy, Lucien, Shane, Gaétan, Taylor, Tag, Boss Chen, Erik, Leo, Elie, Avi, Nevaeh, Naomi, Echo, Nanami, Spencer, Clint, Winona, Terri Pryde, Roscoe, Kitty, Ryan Kelawini, Harm, Remi, Leonidas, Lael, Asva, Sriyani, Ion, Polaris, Steve, DJ, Hive, Skye, Heather, Tian-shin, Joshua, Matt
  • (2023-07-28)
Imperfect Stranger Leonidas, Nessie Spencer, Jax, Scott
  • (2023-07-26)
Stranger Habits Avery, Naomi, Nessie Harm
  • (2023-07-25)
Tartarus Elie, Gaétan, Lucien Steve, Ion, Matt, Lily, Winona, Echo
  • (2023-07-24)
We Could Be Heroes Leonidas, Roscoe, Sriyani Avi, Charles
  • (2023-07-24)
Wayward Sun Jax, Spencer Lucien, Shane, B
  • (2023-07-24)
Good Hunters Erik, Jax Shane, Ryan, Spencer, Ion, Polaris
  • (2023-07-23)
Prometheus: TITANFALL - eXtraction Nahida, Sriyani, Nanami, Dusk, Nevaeh, Ion, Alma, Blink, Ash, Echo, Hive, Matt, Gaétan, Spencer, Avi, Naomi, Harm B, Lucien, Jax, Lael
  • (2023-07-23)
Prometheus: TITANFALL - eXtermination Steve, DJ, Ryan, Kitty, Skye, Heather, Polaris, Scott, Hive, Charles, Winona, Sam, Ion, Hank Alma, B, Matt, Dusk, Tian-shin, Kyinha, Cerebro, Jax
  • (2023-07-19)
Fun and Profit Echo, Nanami, Roscoe Naomi
  • (2023-07-17)
Uno Reverse Naomi, Roscoe Tian-shin
  • (2023-07-06)
On Further Reflection Ansel, Lily, Mirror Joshua, Jax
  • (2023-07-04)
Of Riots and Rethinking (Or, Best Laid Plans) Ryan, Sriyani, Nanami, Lael, Nahida, Lily, Nevaeh, Spencer, Roscoe, Rainy Ogden, Queen Bee, Beau, Gaétan, Kelawini, Naomi, Harm, Echo, Kavalam, Joshua Jax
  • (2023-07-03)
Of Buddies and Bait (Or, The Very Devout Members of the Lassiter Chapel Youth Group) Avi, Echo, Gaétan, Kavalam, Nahida, Nanami, Naomi, Roscoe, Spencer, Sriyani Jax, Matt, Leonidas, Lael, Asva, Harm, Remi, Kelawini, Elie, Nevaeh
  • (2023-06-13)
Of Ramen and Recruitment (Or, All Each Other's Problem) Gaétan, Kavalam, Roscoe Elie, Echo, Jax, Matt
  • (2023-06-13)
Of Drinks and Dimensions (Or, X-Kid Clown Car) Asva, Kavalam, Roscoe Leonidas
  • (2023-06-10)
Reduce, Reuse, Raincycle Beau, Lael, Naomi, Spencer, Rainy Nessie
  • (2023-06-10)
Of Performances and Prizefights (Or, Spencer Fucking Holland) Gaétan, Harm, Kavalam, Nevaeh, Nahida, Roscoe Spencer, Leonidas, Avi, Naomi, Lael
  • (2023-06-05)
Wat fo do Kelawini, Nanami Kavalam
  • (2023-06-04)
Exit Strategies Echo, Roscoe Jax, Joshua, Ansel
  • (2023-05-29)
Getting to Know You Ansel, Lily Jax, Steve, Dawson, Joshua
  • (2023-05-29)
Faith No More Beau, Max, Roscoe Leo, Spencer
  • (2023-05-26)
One for the Road Joshua, Roscoe, Ansel
  • (2023-05-25)
Hook Up Gaétan, Spencer, Naomi Elie, , Lucien, Kavalam, Nanami, Harm, Jax, Sriyani
  • (2023-05-25)
Heal Up Harm, Naomi
  • (2023-05-24)
Methods Gaétan, Naomi, Elie Lael, Joshua, Spencer
  • (2023-05-24)
Materials Joshua, Lily Gaétan, Naomi, Elie
  • (2023-05-22)
Less Economics and Better TV Avi, Roscoe Elie, Gaétan
  • (2023-05-16)
Security Details Nanami, Roscoe, Spencer Remi, Harm, Gaétan, Leonidas, Shane, Kelawini
  • (2023-05-16)
Of Words and Weirdness (Or, Shoot Lasers and Win) Kavalam, Spencer Gaétan, Sriyani, Harm, Jax
  • (2023-05-14)
Mother Knows Best Elie, Gaétan Lily, Matt, Dawson
  • (2023-05-14)
Dos Avi, Nevaeh Harm, Spencer
  • (2023-05-13)
Regular Heroic Beau, Echo Kavalam, Naomi, Spencer, Roscoe, Jax, Scott, Charles, Harm, Gaétan
  • (2023-05-13)
Cheat Sheet Gaétan, Roscoe Kavalam
  • (2023-05-10)
PCR Lily, Rasheed Dawson, Joshua
  • (2023-05-08)
Xyzbca Roscoe, Sriyani Nevaeh, Nahida, Ryan, Steve, Jax, Erik
  • (2023-05-08)
Not Monopoly Echo, Naomi Harm, Kavalam, Astrid, Lael
  • (2023-05-07)
Of Care and Community (Or, Shut the Fuck Up) Gaétan, Kavalam, Spencer Jax, Nanami, Harm, Remi, Leonidas, Lael, Kelawini, Roscoe, Avi, Elie, Lucien
  • (2023-05-06)
Of Games and Glasses (Or, The Lassiter Youth Comedy Hour) Echo, Kavalam, Roscoe Harm, Gaétan, Sriyani, Naomi
  • (2023-05-06)
Day of Rest Joshua, Lily
  • (2023-05-04)
Vignette - Incident Report Hapless Lassiter Staff, Spencer, Rasheed
  • (2023-05-04)
This is Prometheus Gaétan, Spencer Elie, Matt
  • (2023-05-04)
Powers Suck Naomi, Roscoe Spencer, Gaétan
  • (2023-05-04)
Of Raids and Realizations (Or, The Children’s Crusade) Sera, Spencer, Gaétan, Sriyani, Nanami, Echo, Remi, Avi, Lael, Naomi, Asva, Beau, Kelawini, Kavalam, Brendan, Nahida, Elie, Nevaeh, Scott, Shane, Roscoe, Harm
  • (2023-04-20)
Just Leave Everything to Me Elie, Lily Gaétan
  • (2023-04-20)
Good Trouble Joshua, Roscoe Lily
  • (2023-04-17)
Pretty Boring Dr. Allred, Roscoe
Date Title Cast Mentions