xxxxxShe's a beanpole of a teenager, tall and gangly and still figuring out her look. Light green eyes are framed by jet-black scales that cover her forehead and cheekbones, giving her an intidimating look even when she's smiling. The scales are present other places, most notably her shoulderblades. Naomi is trying to figure out what colors go well with tawny brown skin and also obsidian shiny scales - right now she's trying a metallic aesthetic, with lots of silver-ish jewelry and metallic nail polish.
xxxxx Fresh meat. Stole some people a bus before even starting school. Nearly got some X-kids killed in another dimension. Made a guy lie down and wait to die, once. Has a frightening tendency to mind control people, but she's working on it. Plays drums. Snake-girl.
The last children of Sarah and Abednego Winters, Naomi grew up being praised by her parents just for being 'normal'. While her favorite brother (who had Cool Eyes and Moving Hair! So Cool!) was shipped off to their grandmothers, Naomi was kept around as a testament to the town of Helen that the Winters were still normal, not a family of mutants. During the tourist season she was able to escape to the woods to hang out with her brother and his friends, but during social events in town Naomi was kept close by.
When she was 12, her grandmother died and shit hit the fan at home. Lael started hearing voices - everyone's voices - and soon ran away from home. Naomi managed to keep in contact with him during this time, intermittantly and mostly on the school wifi. She did a lot of Googling of her brother's symptoms, concluding with him in time that a) he was probably experiencing telepathy and b) hey, isn't NYC full of mutants? She sent him a link to Evolve Cafe's website, which lead eventually to Lael enrolling at Xavier's.
With Lael safely away at that school in New York, Naomi got to focus on her own problems. For the first years of her life, Naomi had chronically dry skin, particularly on her face, that hardly responded to moisturizers. Around her 13th birthday, these patches began to change into patches of keratin, snake-like jet-black scales. Her body is now covered in patches of these scales, most notably on her forehead and cheekbones but also on her shoulder blades. Now, she looked a little bit more like her snake brother.
She was expecting anger from her parents, and was met with tears at first. But then she asked them not to be mad, and suddenly they weren't. During the lockdown of COVID-19 in Helen, she tested the limits of her new powers, and once New York City was inoculated in April, Naomi flew out to meet her brother in Westchester, and enroll at Xavier's for the coming fall.
xxxxxNaomi can persuade anyone to do anything for her, almost. Lots of caveats that she is still figuring it out - people have to be able to hear her, for one. Right now, her power seems to be limited to actions someone can take in the next hour. People under the influence of her mutation think they have come up with the idea themselves, usually - but it will seem reasonable in their remembering of it. She can't make them forget they helped her.
As she comes up on the limits of her powers, Naomi could one day force someone to do something wildly opposed to their own desires - but she's not quite there yet. She can't ever convince someone to hurt themselves or others if that desire doesn't exist already. Same with taking actions in direct opposition to their morality. The stronger the target's opposition to an action, the more strain it takes on Naomi to persuade them, to the point of her giving up or (in extreme cases) fainting.
People with stronger psionic resistance, like telepaths, are more resistant to her influence. For those with experience with telepaths tromping around in their heads, they are able to recognize they are being influenced, whether or not they try to fight it.
It's usually a conscious choice to activate her powers now - in the beginning, they activated automatically when Naomi was scared or angry. Still does, sometimes. To get better control, Naomi has been trying to ritualize the process - she has a notebook full of phrases she's trying out, to come up with one that she always uses with her powers. She thinks it would be cool to have a catchphrase, and she would be less likely to use her powers unintentionally. The use of her power comes with a physiological cue - green eyes glowing emerald and pupils narrowing into slits like her brother.
xxxxxby no means a hacker, Naomi is just good at digging up old shit online. Wayback machine, specific search engine commands. She's getting into torrenting.
- youngest of four - Lael, Ezekial, and Hannah
- really desperate for people to like her
XS Schedule
Winter 2020-2021
- Art: Band
- Computer Science: Fundamentals of Computer Science (2/2)
- Health: Human Sexuality
- Mathematics: Algebra (2/3)
- Philosophy, Ethics and Religion: The Ethics of Power
Extracurriculars: Pit Band, Musical- The lightning Thief
Fall 2020
- Art: Band
- Computer Science: Fundamentals of Computer Science (1/2)
- English: Expository Writing
- Health: Health & Human Development
- Mathematics: Algebra (1/3)
Naomi Winters
Helen, Georgia
TikTok Teen
Silver Tongue
Registration Status
(currently n/a)
Willow Smith
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Of Dances and Distractions (Or, What We Take for Granted)
Harm, Kavalam
Naomi, Gaétan
The important thing / is knowing: not the answers / but when to pretend
Ford, Quentin, Natsumi
Nessie, Scott, Charles, Nahida, Naomi
What? Yeah, sure, I'm good / sounds like you've had it rough, though / thank god that's not me
AJ, Natsumi
Roscoe, Leonidas, Nahida, Naomi, Lael, Avi, Charles, Harm
Charles, Jax, Joshua
Harm, Naomi, Daiki, Shane, Ryan, Avi, Lael
Package Deal
Harm, Jax
Naomi, Ryan, Joshua, Avi, Lael, Charles
Red Flags
Harm, Joshua
Nahida, Naomi, Lael, Avi, Jax
Modern Solutions
Avi, Harm, Sera, Joshua
Lael, Taylor, Charles, Naomi
We Need to Talk
Avi, Lael, Naomi
Taylor, Harm, Sriyani, Spencer, Charles
The seeds of friendship / like new flowers sprouting up / amidst the rubble
Nahida, Natsumi, Roscoe
Sriyani, Naomi, Lael, Avi, Charles, Quentin, Scott
Rush Edition
Harm, Nessie, Naomi
Nick, Taylor, Charles, Jax, Nahida
Of Paganism and Pedagogy (Or, Holy Wars)
Kavalam, Nahida, Bryce, Roscoe, Quentin, Naomi, Avi, Dallen, Sriyani, Ford
In Which a Hot Dog Has an Unfortunate Beginning and Unfortunate End, and an X-Kid’s Hopes Are Dashed
Naomi, Roscoe, Taylor
Lael, Spencer, Nick
Bryce, Emilia, Naomi
Jax, Marinov, Matt, Dallen
Brain Freeze
Hive, Naomi, Roscoe
Charles, Lael
You Wouldn't Steal a Car
Naomi, Roscoe
Double Decker
Hive, Kelawini, Cerebro
Ryan, Nanami, B, Spencer, Kavalam, Halim, Dusk, Jax, Lael, Naomi
Super Senior
Lael, Roscoe
Charles, Naomi
Of Stress and Sensitivities (Or, Medice, Cura Te Ipsum)
Gaétan, Harm, Kavalam
Lily, Sera, Nanami, Joshua, Leo, Mirror, Naomi
White Jesus
Avi, Bryce, Lael
Naomi, Dallen, Roscoe, DJ, Lily, Dawson, Jax, Matt, Joshua
He Doesn't Even Go Here!
Naomi, Roscoe
Charles, Lael
(It Goes Like) NaNaNa
Nahida, Nanami, Naomi
Scott, Charles, Jax, Matt, Erik
In Which a New Evolve Patron’s Paranoia Is Founded, at Least a Little Bit.
James, Taylor
A Whole New World
James, Naomi
Comparative Faith
Avi, Naomi
Spencer, Kitty, Joshua, Alma, Sera, Lael
Who Says You Can't Go Home
Lael, Naomi
Jax, Harm
Gaétan, Lucien, Naomi, Flèche
Dawson, Lily, Matt
Terminally Offline
@winters.call, @vosco34, @helcaraxe
Dusk, Spencer, Daiki, Echo
In Which Some Patches and Some Labrats Are Heading Toward Becoming a Colorful New Quilt
Joshua, !Karrie, Karrie, Daiki, Echo, Nahida, Naomi, Sriyani, Taylor
Dusk, Spencer, Avi, Roscoe, Naomi, Nevaeh, Hive, Gaétan, Leonidas, Lael, Nick, B, Shane
B, Naomi, Shane
Jax, Ryan
Polite Treatment
Harm, Naomi
Kavalam, Marinov, Lael
Jammed Up
Gaétan, Naomi
Nanami, Lucien, Matt, Jax, Spencer, Lael, Avi
In Which the People Shouted, and the Trumpets Were Blown. As Soon as the People Heard the Sound of the Trumpets, They Raised a Great Shout, and the Wall Fell Down Flat; so the People Charged Straight Ahead Into the City and Captured it.
Scott, Chevy, Jax, Fury, Wendy, Lucien, Shane, Gaétan, Taylor, Tag, Boss Chen, Erik, Leo, Elie, Avi, Nevaeh, Naomi, Echo, Nanami, Spencer, Clint, Winona, Terri Pryde, Roscoe, Kitty, Ryan
Kelawini, Harm, Remi, Leonidas, Lael, Asva, Sriyani, Ion, Polaris, Steve, DJ, Hive, Skye, Heather, Tian-shin, Joshua, Matt
Stranger Habits
Avery, Naomi, Nessie
Prometheus: TITANFALL - eXtraction
Nahida, Sriyani, Nanami, Dusk, Nevaeh, Ion, Alma, Blink, Ash, Echo, Hive, Matt, Gaétan, Spencer, Avi, Naomi, Harm
B, Lucien, Jax, Lael
Fun and Profit
Echo, Nanami, Roscoe
Uno Reverse
Naomi, Roscoe
Extra Credit Dimension
Avi, Naomi
Echo, Nahida, Lael, Jax, Maya, Kyinha, Shane
Of Riots and Rethinking (Or, Best Laid Plans)
Ryan, Sriyani, Nanami, Lael, Nahida, Lily, Nevaeh, Spencer, Roscoe, Rainy Ogden, Queen Bee, Beau, Gaétan, Kelawini, Naomi, Harm, Echo, Kavalam, Joshua
Of Buddies and Bait (Or, The Very Devout Members of the Lassiter Chapel Youth Group)
Avi, Echo, Gaétan, Kavalam, Nahida, Nanami, Naomi, Roscoe, Spencer, Sriyani
Jax, Matt, Leonidas, Lael, Asva, Harm, Remi, Kelawini, Elie, Nevaeh
Reduce, Reuse, Raincycle
Beau, Lael, Naomi, Spencer, Rainy
Of Performances and Prizefights (Or, Spencer Fucking Holland)
Gaétan, Harm, Kavalam, Nevaeh, Nahida, Roscoe
Spencer, Leonidas, Avi, Naomi, Lael
Hook Up
Gaétan, Spencer, Naomi
Elie, , Lucien, Kavalam, Nanami, Harm, Jax, Sriyani
Heal Up
Harm, Naomi
Gaétan, Naomi, Elie
Lael, Joshua, Spencer
Joshua, Lily
Gaétan, Naomi, Elie
Keeping Watch
K.C., Cerebro
Avi, Gaétan, Flèche, Lucien, Spencer, Echo, Kelawini, Nanami, Harm, Remi, Leonidas, Asva, Lael, Naomi, Scott, Charles, DJ, Hive
Regular Heroic
Beau, Echo
Kavalam, Naomi, Spencer, Roscoe, Jax, Scott, Charles, Harm, Gaétan
Not Monopoly
Echo, Naomi
Harm, Kavalam, Astrid, Lael
Of Games and Glasses (Or, The Lassiter Youth Comedy Hour)
Echo, Kavalam, Roscoe
Harm, Gaétan, Sriyani, Naomi
Powers Suck
Naomi, Roscoe
Spencer, Gaétan