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No dress rehearsal, this is our life

xxxxxStolen fairytale girls never get to take the easy way.


xxxxxA white teenage girl with long hair often elaborately braided and currently dyed a deep black which highlights the pallor of her skin and the brightness of her vivid green eyes. She is conventionally attractive in a generic sort of way that lends itself well to shaping with attire and comportment, and she has been working on expanding her repertoire beyond her "tomboy next door" default. At 5'7", she's quite athletic, but slender in a way that belies her strength and makes it oddly difficult to estimate her age.


xxxxxWarm, friendly, and engaging, Sera is generally pretty well-liked in school and out, but it's not easy to get to know her well. She's the youngest of five siblings and reasonably good at leveraging their disparate skills and connections without coming off like a complete brat. It is common knowledge around Xavier's and its wider penumbra in local mutant circles that she's an interdimensional transplant and that her counterpart from this dimension died several years before she arrived. She isn't secretive about her origins, and though she is unlikely to volunteer it without context it is common enough gossip that probably anyone who's been around for a while and asked about her will hear some version of it.

xxxxxShe's a good student and rarely gets into trouble herself, but can be relied upon to keep her mouth shut about illicit shenanigans and to bring good booze if invited. She is a dedicated athlete and an attentive teammate, the star center of Xavier's hockey team (although she is capable of holding down any position in a pinch), a versatile forward on the soccer team, and small forward or occasional point guard in basketball. Less widely known is her skill at chess -- she is one of the strongest players in the student body and shockingly gracious about it. She has many interests and odds are pretty good she has one in common with any given person, but if not she is very quick to pick up hobbies with even very casual friends.

xxxxxHer power is not exactly empathy, but most of her schoolmates and teachers probably think of it that way. When she had less control, it often imposed her emotional and physiological states onto others around her -- and vice versa -- in disruptive ways. Her control has improved over time and she rarely has disruptive spills, but her moods are still infectious, and she takes pains to ensure it's usually pleasant to be around her.


xxxxxSeraphine is the youngest of five children -- Matthieu, Lucien, Desirée, Gaétan being the others -- born to Elie Tessier in a reality very much -- but not quite! -- like this one. She had a comfortable and uneventful childhood with her family in Queens. Both her parents were steadfast and dedicated, and her two eldest brothers, though no longer at home, stayed deeply involved with their lives. Sera was unquestionably spoiled, but managed to come out of it without an obvious sense of entitlement to the doting she received. As she grew, she struggled with an unsettling distant sense that much of her family had a ruthless streak that she did not share.

xxxxxOutside the rosy bubble of the life her family lovingly constructed around her, though, their world was falling into turmoil. The escalating public antipathy and attendant government policies against mutants, in particular, threatened the Tessiers. Sera's mother and all of her siblings are mutants, but between the ease of hiding most their mutations and the temporal power which her brothers Matthieu and Lucien had steadily amassed over the years, the family remained, for the time being, relatively safe.

xxxxxThey -- mostly Lucien -- used their position of relative stability and privilege to provide clandestine assistance to the underground mutant resistance movement. One of Sera's closest friends, Spencer Holland, became a resistance fighter himself despite his young age, and remained in regular contact with her even beyond the assistance he received from her family. Things were tense for a time, but still not too bad for the Tessiers themselves.

xxxxxIn 2019 Sera's mutation manifested. Given the family's genetic tendencies it did not come as that much of a surprise, but its sheer sweeping power and difficulty to conceal caught the Tessiers off-guard. They pulled her out of school so that she would not give herself away in a moment of excitement or distress. Between her older siblings' respective powers and experience managing the same, they started teaching to control her own. She had just begun to harbor hope that she might be able to return to something like her normal life again, such as it is.

xxxxxIn December of 2020, however, the appearance of an interdimensional rift and subsequently interdimensional travelers threw the Tessiers' lives into chaos once again. One night, overhearing a conversation between her brothers and hoping to be of use, Sera passed some information to Spencer upon his next visit and set him on the path to rescuing a group of dimensionally displaced children. Little did she know, the straits they were in had been the result of her brothers' machinations to begin with, and Lucien had struck a deal with his counter part -- and Matthieu's -- on the other side of the rift: if he returned their Gaétan to them safely, they would take in his Sera.

xxxxxOnce this plan was in motion, Lucien persuaded Sera that there were forces moving on their family which would target her and, in turn, put them all in danger. Though terrified and anguished at the prospect of leaving her family and her entire world behind, she agreed to it in hopes of helping to keep her loved ones safe. She packed in secret and left with Spencer without so much as a goodbye to any other member of her family. Meeting the interdimensional counterparts of her siblings has been painful and jarring and her powers have not helped her transition in the least, but Sera is determined to take her new life by the horns and find -- or make -- some joy for herself and everyone in it.


xxxxxSera has a form of sympathetic biokinesis that instinctively tries to align her own neurochemistry with everyone around her, and theirs in turn with hers in a kind of constantly shifting gestalt. Her power innately tends to focus on those with whom she's interacting, so while she can restrict her range down to skin contact or expand it out to about 50ft in ever direction, it is easiest and most intuitive to just affect those who are in the room with her. She can consciously control her own biochemistry and impose that control on others, and while it's easiest to do so evenly across everyone within range, she has learned to selectively magnify or diminish the amount and direction of biokinetic feedback with a reasonable level of precision so long as she is able to concentrate.

xxxxxThough she is capable of exerting a great deal of control over a wide range of what her power does, maintaining complex and counterintuitive effects is exhausting. Unfortunately, letting her power do what it wants to do uncontrolled is *also* exhausting, not to mention potentially dangerous. Overtaxing herself trying to control leads to progressively worse irritability, headaches, and eventually seizures and loss of consciousness. Her daily life is a complex series of interlocking biokinetic balancing acts wherein she must decide from minute to minute how much to choreograph with whom, what to share or hide, and to just go with the flow.

xxxxxOthers in her orbit tend to identify her power as some form of empathic influence, since emotional spillover (in either direction) is usually its most noticeable effect. Sera's moods tend to be infectious, and she is highly susceptible to other people's moods, but she rarely lets slip the extent and intricacy of the control she can exert. Her power does in fact affect other neurochemical phenomena, not just emotions. If she is in physical pain and does not carefully manage it, everyone around her will also feel at least some echo of that pain. She is also perfectly capable of tuning her own pain response, and can selectively magnify that influence to ease someone else's pain. Her ability to affect concentration, alertness, and so on can also make her an excellent study buddy. Or a terrible one.


xxxxxSera is enthusiastic about learning but not necessarily so great on follow-through. As such she has accumulated much familiarity with a wide range of hobbies -- archery, chess, painting, knitting, pottery, rock collecting, woodworking to list a few. She only dabbles in most of these, is notably a strong chess player and an excellent (highly physical) hockey player who works well with others on the ice. Her most enduring passion is reading, and she is in fact very proficient at creative writing in her dual native languages of English and French.



  • DJ - Righteous, swift, heroic
  • Lucien - Attentive, elegant, kind
  • Nanami - Spirited, strong, beautiful
  • Naomi - Mesmerizing,



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.
XS Schedule
Winter 2020-2021
  • English: Expository Writing
  • Math: Geometry 2/3
  • Science: Intermediate Astronomy
  • Phys Ed: Psionic Self Defense
  • Health: Health & Human Development
Winter 2021-2022
  • English: AP English Language & Composition (2/3)
  • Math: Trigonometry and Precalculus (2/3)
  • Science: The Brain and You
  • Philosophy: The Ethics of Power
  • Sport: Ice Hockey
  • She feels your pain
  • No, literally
  • You feel hers, too

Millie-bobby-brown2.jpg Millie-bobby-brown1.jpg Millie-bobby-brown3.jpg

Seraphine Tessier
Codename None
Birthdate 9 March, 2008
Birthplace Queens, NY, in another dimension
Species Mutant
Affiliation Tessier
Alignment None
Powers Sympathetic biochemical manipulation
Occupation Student/Writer
Registration Status (currently n/a)
Faceclaim Millie Bobby Brown
RP Hooks
Surprise Mystery Bonus Tessier - The Sera from this world died in 2017, but nature detests a missing Tessier and opened up a rift to send a new one.
Under Different Stars - Enthusiastically interested in astronomy, she often goes out on clear nights with binoculars or even her small telescope.
Words, Words, Words - She loves reading and can often be found tucked away with a book in the library, the study, the rec room, the tree house, or Conservatory.
What is This Feeling? - Her power attunes her to other people's biochemistry and them to hers. She has gotten pretty good at controlling it, but her moods are still infectious. She can be the life of the party! Or she can totally kill the mood.
1..5051..76(76 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-08-18)
Glamour Lucien, Sera Desi, Elie, Flèche, Gaétan, Matt
  • (2024-08-14)
Defect Desi, Lucien Elie, Gaétan, Matt, Sera
  • (2024-08-06)
Of Excuses and Evildoers (Or, A Very Normal Teatime) Desi, Gaétan, Sera, Kavalam Lucien, Matt, NPC-Elie
  • (2024-08-02)
Sangfroid Fury, Lucien, Agent Coulson Sera, Matt Elie
  • (2024-08-01)
Sparks Lucien, Rocket Damien, Sera
  • (2024-07-28)
So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. Joshua, Leo, Steve Sam, Sera
  • (2024-07-28)
Of Rescue and Revelations (Or, The Spa of Lost and Ravished Souls) Damien, Joshua, Kavalam, Lucien, Sera, Scott Matt, Elie
  • (2024-07-28)
Of Hope and Heart (Or, Some Needed Clarity) Damien, Joshua, Kavalam, Lucien, Scott, Sera
  • (2024-07-28)
Of Eggs and Expositions (Or, Lost Worlds) Gaétan, Kavalam, Sera Lucien, Damien, Matt, Elie, Joshua, Scott, Charles
  • (2024-07-27)
Of Fathers and Faerie (Or, Wild Hunt) Damien, Joshua, Kavalam, Lucien, Scott Sera
  • (2024-07-27)
Of Cakes and Concerns (Or, Déjà vu) Kavalam, Scott Lucien, Sera, Gaétan
  • (2024-07-27)
Lost! Lucien, Sera Damien
  • (2024-07-21)
Temptation Lucien, Sera, Flèche Kavalam, K.C., Elie, Matt, Anahita
  • (2024-07-21)
High Ground Fury, Matt, Elie Lucien, Sera
  • (2024-05-31)
Shibboleth Desi, Gaétan, Lucien, Sera Elie, Matt
  • (2024-05-24)
M(i/a)croaggressions Ford, Quentin, Roscoe Dallen, Sriyani, Nahida, Sera
  • (2024-05-23)
Tomorrow will bring / whatever, really. who knows. / I know we'll have jokes Natsumi, Roscoe Nahida, Leonidas, Sriyani, Sera, Gaétan, Lucien
  • (2024-05-20)
Little Queen Emilia, Sera, Spencer
  • (2024-04-29)
Modern Solutions Avi, Harm, Sera, Joshua Lael, Taylor, Charles, Naomi
  • (2024-04-17)
Monsters and Math Kurt, Nessie Kyinha, Shane, Sera, Scott, Joshua
  • (2024-03-25)
Moment of Need Charles, Scott Cerebro, Matt, Lucien, Elie, Sera, Gaétan, Desi
  • (2024-03-23)
Quidquid Latet Apparebit DJ, Gaétan, Sera Lucien, Matt
  • (2024-03-18)
Lost the Plot Nanami, Sera, Gaétan, Desi, Elie Lucien, Matt
  • (2024-01-29)
Situationship Fury, Lucien Matt, Elie, Ryan, Steve, Sera, Gaétan
  • (2024-01-26)
(M)other Beldam, Lucien, Matt, Flèche Charles, Gaétan, Sera
  • (2024-01-21)
"Support" "Group" Emilia, Hive, Kelawini, Roscoe Joshua, Gaétan, Sera, Matt
  • (2024-01-14)
Still Marinating Emilia, Sera, Sriyani
  • (2023-12-31)
In Which You Have Made People Like the Fish of the Sea, Like Crawling Things That Have No Ruler. Lucien, Leo, Scramble, Shane, B, DJ, Sera, Nick, Tian-shin, Polaris, Joshua, Skye, Anahita, Desi, Lael, Taylor, Elie Tag, Erik, Ion, Avi, Spencer, Nanami, Kelawini, Dusk
  • (2023-12-31)
Faults Lucien, Mirror, Wendy, Daiki, Winona, Elie, Hive, Kyinha, Emma Frost Jax, Rasheed, Matt, Sera
  • (2023-11-05)
Of Stress and Sensitivities (Or, Medice, Cura Te Ipsum) Gaétan, Harm, Kavalam Lily, Sera, Nanami, Joshua, Leo, Mirror, Naomi
  • (2023-11-03)
Fête Matt, Desi, Gaétan, Sera, Lucien Elie, Kavalam
  • (2023-10-29)
Soft Hands, Full Strength, Can't Lose Desi, Elie, Sera Gaétan
  • (2023-10-26)
Danse Macabre Roscoe, Sera Matt
  • (2023-10-22)
Something Spooky Hive, Matt Charles, Sera, DJ, Polaris, Dawson, Lucien
  • (2023-10-20)
Suffer the Little Children Hive, Matt, Cerebro Dallen, Bryce, Dawson, DJ, Maya, Joshua, Kyinha, Sera, Scott, Nanami, Charles
  • (2023-09-29)
Maternal Education Elie, Gaétan, Flèche Lucien, Matt, Sera
  • (2023-09-19)
Comparative Faith Avi, Naomi Spencer, Kitty, Joshua, Alma, Sera, Lael
  • (2023-09-05)
Allies Charles, Lucien Rasheed, Hive, Matt, Jax, Dawson, Fury, Erik, DJ, Sera, Ryan
  • (2023-07-31)
Worked Up Desi, Gaétan, Sera Lucien, Elie, Matt
  • (2023-07-19)
Agree to Disagree Sera, Avery Charles, Steve
  • (2023-06-07)
Something We're Missing Jax, Scott Spencer, Gaétan, Elie, Sera
  • (2023-05-07)
Fazed Jax, Kitty, Lucien, Matt Ryan, Hive, Dusk, Fury, Scott, Charles, Elie, Sera, Lucien, Gaétan
  • (2023-05-04)
Of Raids and Realizations (Or, The Children’s Crusade) Sera, Spencer, Gaétan, Sriyani, Nanami, Echo, Remi, Avi, Lael, Naomi, Asva, Beau, Kelawini, Kavalam, Brendan, Nahida, Elie, Nevaeh, Scott, Shane, Roscoe, Harm
  • (2023-04-25)
Bootleg Superheroing Gaétan, Remi, Sriyani Asva, Sera
  • (2023-04-08)
Unconfirmed Lucien, Sera Elie
  • (2023-04-07)
Keep Judging Ashlinn, Gaétan, Sera Naomi
  • (2023-03-04)
Five Desi, Gaétan, Lucien, Matt, Sera Nanami
  • (2022-12-11)
Wednesday's Children Ace, Nanami, Sera Jax, Charles
  • (2022-05-21)
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other. Kitty, Leo Ryan, Marinov, Robbie, The Rider, Lucien, Sera, Steve, Matt
  • (2022-04-07)
Being Loved Hive, Matt Lucien, Ryan, DJ, Dawson, Polaris, Sera
1..5051..76(76 total)