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Instead of slowing down, I just shine brighter.

xxxxxSunshiney-bright, flagrantly colourful, radical-left-leaning but devoutly Catholic, Jax might not fit in many places. But this is New York.


xxxxxBorn the only child to farming parents in a tiny town nestled in at the base of Appalachia, Jax's early life was a pleasant enough one. Sheltered, for sure, a combination of living in a tiny backwater Georgia town and growing up with very conservative parents who were rather overprotective of their only child. Devout Catholics, they passed their faith on to him from early on. His life was simple, but full. Church, school, learning how to take care of the farm, these were foundations; on top of which there was swim team, dance lessons, and above all art, for which he showed a great aptitude from an early age.

In classes he tended to do well, not out of any great intelligence but more by dint of hard work and a deeply instilled sense of self-discipline. When he struggled in a subject, he'd apply himself that much harder to it, tending to end up always frustratingly near but never actually at the top of his classes.

Outside of classes, things tended to be harder. The conservative people in his ultra-red hometown didn't react overly favorably to the sensitive artistic type. As he grew older and entered middle school, the harassment he got from the other children only got worse. To compensate, he threw himself more heavily into the other things in life that were important to him, spending more time in the pool, more time in the dance studio, but most of all, more time in church and more time in front of his canvas.

The onset of his mutation near the end of middle school didn't help matters any. At first it was just headaches, painful changes in vision, but then his powers began to manifest, first in his sleep, projecting images of his dreams while he slept, but then more frequently while he was awake. Unable to hide this, the hostility and violence he and his family faced in the community grew worse, not only from his peers but now from the town in general.

When, some months after his powers began showing themselves in earnest, a woman showed up at their farm saying that she was from a school in New York that specialized in helping youths in his situation, his parents were relieved and grateful. Though initially reluctant and nervous about sending their young son to a boarding school so far from home, ultimately they knew that it was the best thing if he was to learn to control his rather visible powers and have a normal life. They sent him to Xavier's, where his mother managed to be overprotective even long-distance.

In the new environment he thrived, once he got over homesickness, learning to control his powers and applying himself to practice with the same diligence he gave the rest of his schoolwork. After graduation he left to study art at the Pratt Institute, but was compelled to leave the school in the wake of being outed as a mutant.

His life changed a lot, in the wake of his outing. His powers caught the interest of people working at Prometheus, and he spent months in their labs; his ordeal there left him somewhat scarred emotionally and physically as well (he came out of it minus one eye and one finger.) In the wake of his rescue from there, he and some of the other rescuees have attempted hunting down other similar facilities and liberating their occupants. A few of these liberated labrats have ended up as part of his family, twin teenagers and a young son who have become his foster children. He's working on making this official.

These days, he keeps as busy as ever. He's gone back to school, at the Cooper Union, now, and between this and working -- part-time as a tattoo artist and body piercer, part-time as a bartender; between life as an X-Man and helping out at church and the various activist groups he's involved in, he doesn't find much time for sleep. Not to mention raising three kids.

Thank goodness his mutation lets him get away with it.


xxxxxAt its base, Jackson is a photokinetic. His mutation controls the light around him, bending it in accordance with his moods and thoughts. With training and practice he's learned to leash it so that for the most part it doesn't visibly happen when he doesn't want it to, and so that it /does/ respond when he /does/ want it to.

This power makes him effectively an illusionist, and in this he is most adept, bending and reorganizing light waves to change their appearance. He creates vivid holographic images that are substanceless, soundless, but quite visually convincing. Unlike psionically-based illusions, his are "real" in that he is actually moving the light waves themselves and therefore the resulting imagery would show up on camera. He's less adept with some newer-emerged facets of his power that he can use offensively and defensively; offensively, in bursts of focused energy, or defensively, in solar-powered force-shields.

His mutation -- and him -- powers itself largely on solar power. Without a good enough charge, he can't shield at all and his beams will be weak. His illusions require the least energy expenditure, but still take a lot out of him if he does too much too long.

He stores solar power like a batter; he can't produce light innately, but can store energy for later. Too much sun is dangerous, too; he has a point past which he can't store anything more and if he doesn't expend the energy he's taking in continually, it will built up and is prone to exploding. He can't turn off the storing, but he's gotten pretty good at finding ways to let it out in small doses all day long so as to not burst.

He's gotten pretty used to fueling himself on solar power, too. More sun means more energy, for him, and can leave him even more hyperactive and prone to cheer. It helps that fueling himself this way brings down his need for sleep, although relying on it isn't the healthiest path.



  • Hive - Terrifying.
  • Lucien - Needs ALL THE HUGS.
  • Melinda - Seems to share his optimism despite living in New York.
  • Micah - ohgosh <3 D: ! :/ ? <3
  • Nox - They do say opposites attract.
  • Peter - Probably going to be a superhero one day.
  • Ryan - Would sell a kidney for. ... hopefully never has to.
  • Shane - The nice one.
  • Sebastian - The scary one.
  • Spencer - Should implant with a GPS tracker.
  • Tag - Understands about wanting to make the world more colourful.


Partly Hazy

  • Chokechain - As an X-Man it's kind of required they're adversaries. It's grudging, though. Jax understands wanting to change the world.
  • Dan - Attacked one kid, harrassed another. Supposedly turned over a new leaf but. His kids, man.
  • Doug - Sometimes so nice, sometimes so teenage.
  • Eric - *facescrubs*
  • Iolaus - Mutielover.
  • Jane - Trusts her enough to lead her in battle. Enough to follow her in one, though?
  • Jim - Probably going to marry Hive some day.
  • Parley - Adorakitty. Is he the only one who remembers cats have claws?
  • Shelby - Nothing ever makes sense when she's around. Jax is an anarchist, though. He's not opposed to a little bit of chaos.

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Full Name
Codename Sunshine
Birthdate Summer Solstice
Species Mutant
Affiliation Citizens
Alignment Effervescent
Powers Photokinetic
Occupation Anarchist
RP Hooks
Drink-slinger - Tends bar at Heaven, a gay club in Chelsea.
Needlepoint - Will prick you with so many needles. Inks people and does body piercing at Inkline, a studio in the Lower East Side.
Artsy - Art student at Cooper Union. Looks like an art student, too.
Freestyle - Loves to swim, even if he's not so good as his KIDS. They set a high bar, though.
Radical - Anarchist, activist, he can be found circling the leftist scene in various capacities, largely focused around queer rights and environmentalist vegan hippieism. Also mutant rights. He's active enough it's not uncommon for him to be recognized as a mutant from various speeches and workshops on rights issues.
X-Man - The COLOURFULLEST X-Man. His uniform's bedazzled with a smiling sun. Teaches an art class at XS one trimester a year, too.
Prometheus Bound - Once a labrat himself, now he spends a good deal of energy trying to find others and free them.
1..5051..100(367 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-09-24)
Fishing Mini-Game Amo, Jax Blink
  • (2024-09-13)
Oneg Shabbat Blink, Jax, Joshua Spencer
  • (2024-09-12)
How to Hero Avi, Nahida, Roscoe Sriyani, Spencer, Quentin, Natsumi, Jax, Scott, Charles
  • (2024-09-12)
Balanced Adventuring Party Blink, Jax, Mystique Scott, Kyinha, Joshua
  • (2024-09-11)
Surprise Party Amo, Jax, Scramble Storm, Punch-Eyes, B, Natasha
  • (2024-09-09)
Interdisciplinary Studies Dallen, Quentin, Roscoe Horus, Jax, Charles, Bryce
  • (2024-09-06)
Vaguely Corporeal Bryce, Hive, Tok Charles, DJ, Dawson, Jax, Quentin
  • (2024-09-06)
Mojo Extravaganza Mojo, Jax, Joshua, Blink, Scott, Ion, Kiri, Heather
  • (2024-09-05)
JV Superheroics Avi, Bryce, Nevaeh Quentin, Sriyani, Scott, Jax, Joshua, Kyinha, Dallen
  • (2024-09-03)
Model Teacher Dallen, Horus, Tok Jax, Dawson, Quentin, Bryce
  • (2024-09-03)
Ace in the Hole Jax, Joshua, Scott Ion, Nahida, Mystique, Shane, B, Heather
  • (2024-09-02)
Stepping Up Spencer, Sriyani Jax, Joshua, Shane, Nahida, Charles, Halim, Quentin, Avi, Nevaeh,
  • (2024-08-31)
Of Deceits and Disappearances (Or, Vincent Adultbird) Horus, Matt, Ryan, Kavalam Jax, Lucien, Charles, Joshua, B, Scott, Spencer
  • (2024-08-29)
Vignette - Live and In Color! Mojo Scott, Jax, Blink, Joshua, Tian-shin, Mystique, Heather, Akihiro, Ion, Egg
  • (2024-08-29)
Glass Half Full Ion, Jax, Scott B, Blink, Joshua, Lucien, Mystique, Shane
  • (2024-08-25)
Shiny and Kinda Morbid Horus, Spencer, Lumin Jax
  • (2024-08-20)
Sneak Jet Amo, Jax Ryan, Spencer, Avi
  • (2024-08-19)
Fool Proof Roscoe, Tok Hive, Jax
  • (2024-08-19)
Burning the Midnight Oil Blink, Jax, Joshua Scott, Sriyani
  • (2024-08-16)
Can We Keep Them? Jax, Nevaeh, Scott, Sriyani Avi, Nahida, Halim, Steve
  • (2024-08-11)
Life and Destruction Ryan, Amo Spencer, Jax
  • (2024-08-07)
Re-Cookie Jax, Roscoe
  • (2024-08-05)
Freak Jail Hipsters Roscoe, Shane Spencer, B, Jax, Hive, Daiki
  • (2024-07-23)
Over/Under Gino, Lumin, Nessie Anole, Zack, Jax, Ryan
  • (2024-07-14)
Rolling Anahita, Lucien, Rocket, Ryan, with Matt & Jax & Steve via text Damien
  • (2024-07-14)
Dry Anahita, Lucien, Ryan Damien, Jax, Matt
  • (2024-07-10)
Between the pauses / awkward questions and fake laughs / another rock falls. Natsumi, Tok Jax
  • (2024-07-08)
Bug Meat Jax, Roscoe, Tok Charles
  • (2024-07-02)
Slippery as Fuck Anahita, Damien, Joshua Lucien, Matt, Jax, Ryan, Charles
  • (2024-06-29)
Against All Odds Ion, Nanami, Roscoe Gaétan, Sriyani, Ryan, Jax
  • (2024-06-26)
A: Several points of disharmony among pts. stemming from widely different reactions to/interpretations of trauma. Tense session, with open hostility averted via some physical distancing. Daiki, Joshua, Polaris, Zack Jax, Ryan, Dawson, Harm
  • (2024-06-19)
Find Your Place Damien, Matt, Ryan Lucien, Jax, Elie
  • (2024-06-17)
S: After three (3) inhalations, pt experienced impaired verbal processing skills (reported noting conversation becoming illogical and confusing). P: Experiment with strains and dosing to see how postmortem manual metabolic processing affects tolerance. Leonidas, Zack Jax, Ryan, Gaétan, DJ
  • (2024-06-10)
Whatever your lips utter you must diligently perform, just as you have freely vowed to the Lord your God with your own mouth. Damien, Joshua, Leo, Mirror, Jax, Scott, Wendy, Anahita, B, Bryce
  • (2024-06-06)
What Is It With You and Curses? Jax, Scott
  • (2024-05-31)
Quite Quietly Fierce Dallen, Damien Bryce, Jax, Sugar
  • (2024-05-23)
Just Small Bryce, Dallen, Joshua Hive, Quentin, Nahida, Jax, AJ, Rocket, Sriyani
  • (2024-05-20)
Of Broods and Bravery (Or, Unsung Heroes) Joshua, Jax, Ryan, Marinov, Scott, Halim, Shane, B, Ion, Tian-shin, Nanami, Gaétan, Kavalam Steve
  • (2024-05-17)
Workshopping Future Chaos Avi, Sriyani, Tok Ryan, Jax, Quentin
  • (2024-05-16)
Tesssting Charles, Jax, Joshua Harm, Naomi, Daiki, Shane, Ryan, Avi, Lael
  • (2024-05-15)
Here to Help Jax, Rasa
  • (2024-05-15)
Blair Mountain, here we come AJ, Leonidas Jax
  • (2024-05-11)
Accidentally: / can mean by chance, mistake, or / as a by-product Celestine, Natsumi, Spencer Jax, Ryan, Tag, Sriyani, Taylor
  • (2024-05-10)
Worries Lucien, Steve DJ, Taylor, Jax, Ryan, Dawson, Matt, Elie, Fury
  • (2024-05-09)
Package Deal Harm, Jax Naomi, Ryan, Joshua, Avi, Lael, Charles
  • (2024-05-07)
Hands On Jax, Lumin, Ryan Taylor, Lucien
  • (2024-05-06)
A Very Valuable Asset Cerebro, Halim, Scott Matt, Malthus, Joshua, Jax, Charles
  • (2024-05-05)
Law of Inertia Kurt, Scott Charles, Hive, Shane, Jax, Joshua
  • (2024-05-05)
For Future Reference Ford, Hive, Roscoe, Sriyani Ryan, Charles, Scott, Jax, Joshua, Quentin
  • (2024-05-01)
Many Hats Anahita, Jax Taylor, Tag, Dawson, Lucien, Ryan
1..5051..100(367 total)