Bang, Bang!
Avi, Bryce
DJ, Scott
Look Ahead
Avi, Halim, Jax
Snacking While High
Quentin, Roscoe
Avi, Bryce, Nahida, Sriyani
I ❤️ NY
Avi, Roscoe
Sriyani, Gaétan, Nahida
Throw around your weight. / Why not? That badge and that gun / punch above their class.
Avi, Natsumi, Rhydian, Tok, a passing bird
Poor little white girl / your inner Girl of Color / must be so ashamed.
Avi, Rhydian, Tok, Natsumi, Nahida, Sera, Nevaeh
Horus, Quentin, Emilia, Charles
Carving Spaces
Marinov, Tok
Jax, Avi, Rhydian
A double edged sword? / It sounds kind of cool, to be / twice as dangerous.
Avi, Natsumi, Roscoe
Rhydian, Bryce, Quentin, Horus, Halim, Jax
Just In Time For Spooky Season
Asva, Avi
Shane, Jax, Scott
All About Perspective
Tok, Asva
Avi, Kavalam
Avi, Rhydian, Spencer, Tok
Shane, Horus, Bryce, Joshua, Tian-shin
How to Hero
Avi, Nahida, Roscoe
Sriyani, Spencer, Quentin, Natsumi, Jax, Scott, Charles
JV Superheroics
Avi, Bryce, Nevaeh
Quentin, Sriyani, Scott, Jax, Joshua, Kyinha, Dallen
Stepping Up
Spencer, Sriyani
Jax, Joshua, Shane, Nahida, Charles, Halim, Quentin, Avi, Nevaeh,
Sneak Jet
Amo, Jax
Ryan, Spencer, Avi
Can We Keep Them?
Jax, Nevaeh, Scott, Sriyani
Avi, Nahida, Halim, Steve
The Pirate Bay
Nevaeh, Quentin, Sriyani
Avi, Nahida, Nevaeh, Quentin, Sriyani
Eat, Drink, Stay Black, and Live
Avi, Nevaeh
Prom on Ice
Avi, Celestine, Gaétan, Nanami, Tok
Teenage Mutant Were-Bug-Aliens
Roscoe, Tok
Avi, Nevaeh, Scott
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
AJ, Leonidas, Quentin, Tok
Bryce, Dallen, Nahida, Nevaeh, Avi
Shoot Your Shot
Avi, Roscoe
Downtown Funk You Up
Avi, Nevaeh, Tok
Workshopping Future Chaos
Avi, Sriyani, Tok
Ryan, Jax, Quentin
What? Yeah, sure, I'm good / sounds like you've had it rough, though / thank god that's not me
AJ, Natsumi
Roscoe, Leonidas, Nahida, Naomi, Lael, Avi, Charles, Harm
Charles, Jax, Joshua
Harm, Naomi, Daiki, Shane, Ryan, Avi, Lael
Package Deal
Harm, Jax
Naomi, Ryan, Joshua, Avi, Lael, Charles
Red Flags
Harm, Joshua
Nahida, Naomi, Lael, Avi, Jax
Modern Solutions
Avi, Harm, Sera, Joshua
Lael, Taylor, Charles, Naomi
We Need to Talk
Avi, Lael, Naomi
Taylor, Harm, Sriyani, Spencer, Charles
The seeds of friendship / like new flowers sprouting up / amidst the rubble
Nahida, Natsumi, Roscoe
Sriyani, Naomi, Lael, Avi, Charles, Quentin, Scott
Of Paganism and Pedagogy (Or, Holy Wars)
Kavalam, Nahida, Bryce, Roscoe, Quentin, Naomi, Avi, Dallen, Sriyani, Ford
Avi, Roscoe
Bryce, Alma, Moab, Nanami, Kelawini, Gaétan, Matt, Ryan
Xavier's On Ice
Avi, Scott
Nahida, Kyinha
Of Freedom and Festivals (Or, Through the Cracks)
Lucien, Ryan, Nanami, Gaétan, Spencer, Wendy, Anahita, Joshua, Avi, Alma, Matt, NPC-Elie, Kavalam, Harm, Roscoe, Nevaeh, Jax, Dawson, Mirror
In Which You Have Made People Like the Fish of the Sea, Like Crawling Things That Have No Ruler.
Lucien, Leo, Scramble, Shane, B, DJ, Sera, Nick, Tian-shin, Polaris, Joshua, Skye, Anahita, Desi, Lael, Taylor, Elie
Tag, Erik, Ion, Avi, Spencer, Nanami, Kelawini, Dusk
White Jesus
Avi, Bryce, Lael
Naomi, Dallen, Roscoe, DJ, Lily, Dawson, Jax, Matt, Joshua
Good Things In Life
Avery, Avi, Spencer
B, Shane, Jax, Erik
Who By Water
Charles, Erik
Jax, Joshua, Cerebro, Shane, Spencer, Avi, Alma
Comparative Faith
Avi, Naomi
Spencer, Kitty, Joshua, Alma, Sera, Lael
Oh, the Places You'll Go
Echo, Leonidas, Nanami, Roscoe
Gaétan, Avi, Lucien
You Are Here
Avi, Roscoe, Spencer
Sriyani, Daiki
In Which Some Patches and Some Labrats Are Heading Toward Becoming a Colorful New Quilt
Joshua, !Karrie, Karrie, Daiki, Echo, Nahida, Naomi, Sriyani, Taylor
Dusk, Spencer, Avi, Roscoe, Naomi, Nevaeh, Hive, Gaétan, Leonidas, Lael, Nick, B, Shane
Jammed Up
Gaétan, Naomi
Nanami, Lucien, Matt, Jax, Spencer, Lael, Avi
Yom Zeh Mechubad
Jax, Wendy, Avi, Joshua, Shane, B, Erik, Spencer
In Which the People Shouted, and the Trumpets Were Blown. As Soon as the People Heard the Sound of the Trumpets, They Raised a Great Shout, and the Wall Fell Down Flat; so the People Charged Straight Ahead Into the City and Captured it.
Scott, Chevy, Jax, Fury, Wendy, Lucien, Shane, Gaétan, Taylor, Tag, Boss Chen, Erik, Leo, Elie, Avi, Nevaeh, Naomi, Echo, Nanami, Spencer, Clint, Winona, Terri Pryde, Roscoe, Kitty, Ryan
Kelawini, Harm, Remi, Leonidas, Lael, Asva, Sriyani, Ion, Polaris, Steve, DJ, Hive, Skye, Heather, Tian-shin, Joshua, Matt
We Could Be Heroes
Leonidas, Roscoe, Sriyani
Avi, Charles
Prometheus: TITANFALL - eXtraction
Nahida, Sriyani, Nanami, Dusk, Nevaeh, Ion, Alma, Blink, Ash, Echo, Hive, Matt, Gaétan, Spencer, Avi, Naomi, Harm
B, Lucien, Jax, Lael
Of Trials and Teamwork (Or, In Which Without Counsel, Plans go Wrong, but With Many Advisers They Succeed.)
Jax, Ryan, Erik, Charles, Regan, Steve, Hive, Kavalam, Scott, Kitty, Matt, Eric, Taylor, Scramble, Leo, Alma, Polaris, Isra, Cerebro, Heather, B, DJ, Dusk, Hank, Ion, Fury
Spencer, Dawson, Avi