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xxxxxChattery, endlessly curious, brightly exuberant, with a wide, wide defiant streak, Spencer is definitely his father's child..


xxxxxAfter an accidental activation of his powers killed his mother, four-year-old Spencer's family voluntarily surrendered him to Prometheus. Though it was not long before he was rescued by Jax and Ryan's raid team, he had a long journey home, and a hand in creating it, too.


xxxxxInstantaneously teleporting himself and other objects/people (together or separately).


xxxxx Operating motorcycles in two and three dimensions. Driving adults to distraction.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

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  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
  • And more random facts!
  • And more.

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Spencer Isaac Attali Holland
Codename None
Birthdate 2006/09/13
Birthplace Queens, NYC
Species Mutant
Affiliation None
Alignment Excitable
Powers Teleportation
Occupation Moral support
Registration Status NEVER!
Played By Oliver Davis
RP Hooks
A Cast-Away Stone - Spencer has very strong feelings about adoption and chosen families in general, and does not take well to people asking about his 'real' family.
I Will Sing - Passionate about Jewish religion and culture, he attends synagogue weekly with friends from school and celebrates high holidays with the community of his birth as well as chosen family.
Who Has Kept Us Alive - Having spent a few months as a Prometheus test subject when he was only five years old, he has Very Strong Opinions about mutant oppression and liberation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
1..5051..100(152 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-09-13)
Oneg Shabbat Blink, Jax, Joshua Spencer
  • (2024-09-12)
How to Hero Avi, Nahida, Roscoe Sriyani, Spencer, Quentin, Natsumi, Jax, Scott, Charles
  • (2024-09-02)
Stepping Up Spencer, Sriyani Jax, Joshua, Shane, Nahida, Charles, Halim, Quentin, Avi, Nevaeh,
  • (2024-08-31)
Of Deceits and Disappearances (Or, Vincent Adultbird) Horus, Matt, Ryan, Kavalam Jax, Lucien, Charles, Joshua, B, Scott, Spencer
  • (2024-08-25)
Shiny and Kinda Morbid Horus, Spencer, Lumin Jax
  • (2024-08-20)
Sneak Jet Amo, Jax Ryan, Spencer, Avi
  • (2024-08-11)
Life and Destruction Ryan, Amo Spencer, Jax
  • (2024-08-05)
Freak Jail Hipsters Roscoe, Shane Spencer, B, Jax, Hive, Daiki
  • (2024-05-20)
Little Queen Emilia, Sera, Spencer
  • (2024-05-11)
Accidentally: / can mean by chance, mistake, or / as a by-product Celestine, Natsumi, Spencer Jax, Ryan, Tag, Sriyani, Taylor
  • (2024-04-27)
We Need to Talk Avi, Lael, Naomi Taylor, Harm, Sriyani, Spencer, Charles
  • (2024-04-23)
Make Them Care Quentin, Scott, Sriyani, Roscoe, Kelawini, Ford, Dallen, Nessie, Bryce, Spencer Charles, Jax, Nanami, Ryan
  • (2024-04-17)
Wayward Elf Kurt, Shane Scott, Spencer, B, Jax
  • (2024-04-17)
In Which a Hot Dog Has an Unfortunate Beginning and Unfortunate End, and an X-Kid’s Hopes Are Dashed Naomi, Roscoe, Taylor Lael, Spencer, Nick
  • (2024-04-07)
Making Wonders Dallen, Jax, Quentin Erik, Sugar, Spencer, Matt, Ryan, Dusk, Scott, Lucien
  • (2024-04-06)
Sip it Slowly Matt, Ryan, Spencer Elie
  • (2023-12-31)
Of Freedom and Festivals (Or, Through the Cracks) Lucien, Ryan, Nanami, Gaétan, Spencer, Wendy, Anahita, Joshua, Avi, Alma, Matt, NPC-Elie, Kavalam, Harm, Roscoe, Nevaeh, Jax, Dawson, Mirror
  • (2023-12-31)
In Which You Have Made People Like the Fish of the Sea, Like Crawling Things That Have No Ruler. Lucien, Leo, Scramble, Shane, B, DJ, Sera, Nick, Tian-shin, Polaris, Joshua, Skye, Anahita, Desi, Lael, Taylor, Elie Tag, Erik, Ion, Avi, Spencer, Nanami, Kelawini, Dusk
  • (2023-12-01)
Double Decker Hive, Kelawini, Cerebro Ryan, Nanami, B, Spencer, Kavalam, Halim, Dusk, Jax, Lael, Naomi
  • (2023-10-25)
Stiff-Necked People Dallen, Roscoe, Spencer Bryce
  • (2023-10-02)
Good Things In Life Avery, Avi, Spencer B, Shane, Jax, Erik
  • (2023-09-26)
Who By Common Trial B, Jax, Shane, Spencer Joshua, Ryan, Erik, Charles
  • (2023-09-25)
Mi VaMayim Charles, Erik Jax, Joshua, Cerebro, Shane, Spencer, Avi, Alma
  • (2023-09-19)
Comparative Faith Avi, Naomi Spencer, Kitty, Joshua, Alma, Sera, Lael
  • (2023-09-12)
After the War B, Erik Dusk, Jax, Shane, Spencer
  • (2023-09-11)
Fancy Lucien, Steve Sam, Spencer, Jax, Ryan
  • (2023-09-01)
You Are Here Avi, Roscoe, Spencer Sriyani, Daiki
  • (2023-08-22)
No Passport Required Gaétan, Harm, Sriyani Lucien, Charles, Spencer, Matt
  • (2023-08-19)
Terminally Offline @winters.call, @vosco34, @helcaraxe Dusk, Spencer, Daiki, Echo
  • (2023-08-13)
In Which Some Patches and Some Labrats Are Heading Toward Becoming a Colorful New Quilt Joshua, !Karrie, Karrie, Daiki, Echo, Nahida, Naomi, Sriyani, Taylor Dusk, Spencer, Avi, Roscoe, Naomi, Nevaeh, Hive, Gaétan, Leonidas, Lael, Nick, B, Shane
  • (2023-08-08)
Birds of a Feather Cerebro, Charles, DJ, Flicker Hive, Dusk, Ryan, Jax, Spencer, Scott, Matt, Isra, Steve, Rasheed
  • (2023-08-07)
Disclosures Fury, Lucien Rasheed, Matt, Gaétan, Jax, Spencer, Ryan, Hive
  • (2023-08-05)
Of Peaches and Pilfering (Or, Switch™eroo) Echo, Kavalam, Spencer Gaétan, Harm, Shane, Ryan, Lucien, Scott
  • (2023-07-31)
Jammed Up Gaétan, Naomi Nanami, Lucien, Matt, Jax, Spencer, Lael, Avi
  • (2023-07-31)
Borrowed Gifts Joshua, Spencer
  • (2023-07-30)
Next Steps Jax, Ryan Joshua, Spencer, Kitty, Heather, Steve, Charles, DJ, Hive, Ion, Dusk
  • (2023-07-30)
If Clint, Lucien Jax, Charles, Gaétan, Spencer, Elie, Matt
  • (2023-07-28)
Yom Zeh Mechubad Jax, Wendy, Avi, Joshua, Shane, B, Erik, Spencer
  • (2023-07-28)
In Which the People Shouted, and the Trumpets Were Blown. As Soon as the People Heard the Sound of the Trumpets, They Raised a Great Shout, and the Wall Fell Down Flat; so the People Charged Straight Ahead Into the City and Captured it. Scott, Chevy, Jax, Fury, Wendy, Lucien, Shane, Gaétan, Taylor, Tag, Boss Chen, Erik, Leo, Elie, Avi, Nevaeh, Naomi, Echo, Nanami, Spencer, Clint, Winona, Terri Pryde, Roscoe, Kitty, Ryan Kelawini, Harm, Remi, Leonidas, Lael, Asva, Sriyani, Ion, Polaris, Steve, DJ, Hive, Skye, Heather, Tian-shin, Joshua, Matt
  • (2023-07-28)
Imperfect Stranger Leonidas, Nessie Spencer, Jax, Scott
  • (2023-07-24)
Wayward Sun Jax, Spencer Lucien, Shane, B
  • (2023-07-24)
Good Hunters Erik, Jax Shane, Ryan, Spencer, Ion, Polaris
  • (2023-07-24)
Finishing Touch Joshua, Lily, Mirror Spencer, Winona
  • (2023-07-23)
Prometheus: TITANFALL - eXtraction Nahida, Sriyani, Nanami, Dusk, Nevaeh, Ion, Alma, Blink, Ash, Echo, Hive, Matt, Gaétan, Spencer, Avi, Naomi, Harm B, Lucien, Jax, Lael
  • (2023-07-23)
Jump Start Charles, Scott, Spencer Jax, Matt, Kyinha, Tian-shin, Alma, Scramble, Dusk, Blink, Ion, Kitty, Polaris, Steve, Ryan, Remi, Leonidas, Asva, Lael, Sriyani, Hive, Winona, Dawson, Lucien
  • (2023-07-22)
Of Trials and Teamwork (Or, In Which Without Counsel, Plans go Wrong, but With Many Advisers They Succeed.) Jax, Ryan, Erik, Charles, Regan, Steve, Hive, Kavalam, Scott, Kitty, Matt, Eric, Taylor, Scramble, Leo, Alma, Polaris, Isra, Cerebro, Heather, B, DJ, Dusk, Hank, Ion, Fury Spencer, Dawson, Avi
  • (2023-07-17)
Gift Horse Fury, Rasheed Jax, Spencer, Malthus, Iron Man
  • (2023-07-07)
Prometheus: TITANFALL - Alpha Charles, Matt, Ryan, Scott Kavalam, Gaétan, Cerebro, Dawson, Hive, Jamie, Jax, B, Erik, Shane, Spencer
  • (2023-07-07)
In Which Evolve Is Not a Particularly Helpful Source of Information, but Someone Still Gets a Big Tip Alexander, Taylor Ryan, Spencer, Jax
  • (2023-07-06)
Leverage Lucien, Wendy, Winona Rasheed, Hive, Dawson, Ryan, Lily, Matt, Spencer
1..5051..100(152 total)