Punch More Nazis
Joshua, Steve
I in Team
Steve, Tony
Bruce, Lucien
Operation: T.I.M.E.L.E.S.S.
Natasha, Steve
Clint, Fury
Can We Keep Them?
Jax, Nevaeh, Scott, Sriyani
Avi, Nahida, Halim, Steve
Breaks from Reality
Sam, Steve
Lucien, Matt, Elie, Fury
Lucien, Matt, Steve
We Own the Night
Nahida, Roscoe, Sriyani, Quentin
Clint, Steve, Sam, Leo
So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.
Joshua, Leo, Steve
Sam, Sera
The heart is devious above all else; it is perverse — who can understand it?
Leo, Sam, Steve
Anahita, Lucien, Rocket, Ryan, with Matt & Jax & Steve via text
Skimming Stones
Damien, Steve
Of Fingers and Fireworks (Or, Pity Points)
Gaétan, Kavalam, Roscoe
Steve, Lucien, Matt
Bruce, Lucien, Rocket, Tony
Clint, Natasha, Sam, Steve
Birthday (Red, White and) Blues
Rocket, Sam, Steve
Tony, Lucien
Operation: H.O.T. P.O.T.A.T.O.
Natasha, Rocket, Sam, Steve
Vignette - The Littlest Avenger
Dallen, Leonidas, AJ, Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, Rocket, Lucien
Operation: S.U.I.T. U.P.
Coulson, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, Falcon, Iron Man, Captain America, Fury and Lucien in absentia
Operation: A.T.T.A.C.K.
Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Falcon, Hulk, Black Widow
Fury, Lucien
Operation: A.S.S.E.M.B.L.E.
Clint, Sam, Hulk, Natasha, Tony, Steve, Fury, Coulson, Lucien, Rocket
Of Broods and Bravery (Or, Unsung Heroes)
Joshua, Jax, Ryan, Marinov, Scott, Halim, Shane, B, Ion, Tian-shin, Nanami, Gaétan, Kavalam
Lucien, Steve
DJ, Taylor, Jax, Ryan, Dawson, Matt, Elie, Fury
Lost & Found
Elie, Matt, Steve
Lucien, Flèche, Malthus, Fury
Joshua, Lucien, Winona
Matt, Steve, Sam, Scott, Mirror, Murphy, Elie
Constructive Criticism
Hive, Leonidas, Roscoe
Dawson, Charles, Scott, Sriyani, Natsumi, Shane, Dusk, Steve
In Which A Number Of Interviewees Are Approximately As Forthcoming As Could Be Expected
Polaris, DJ, Lily, B, Taylor, Nick, Shane, Tian-shin, Ion, Scott, Marinov, Charles, Kitty, Skye, Matt, Jax, Ryan, Steve
Dawson, Erik, Isra, Lucien
Sam, Scott, Steve, Lucien
Charles, Matt
Lucien, Matt, Steve
Elie, Mirror
Lucien, Steve
Jax, Ryan, NPC-Flèche, Gaétan, Desi, Fury, Ion
Fury, Lucien
Matt, Elie, Ryan, Steve, Sera, Gaétan
Libertarian Paradise
Steve, Sam
Jax, Lucien, Steve, Flèche
Lucien, Steve
Sam, Spencer, Jax, Ryan
Courting Danger
Cerebro, Charles, Ryan
Hive, DJ, Dawson, Dusk, B, Jax, Joshua, Steve, Lily, Matt, Erik
Birds of a Feather
Cerebro, Charles, DJ, Flicker
Hive, Dusk, Ryan, Jax, Spencer, Scott, Matt, Isra, Steve, Rasheed
Danish Welcome
Kitty, Lincoln, Scott, Shane
Jax, Steve, Leo, Ryan, Rasa, Charles, B, Akihiro
Next Steps
Jax, Ryan
Joshua, Spencer, Kitty, Heather, Steve, Charles, DJ, Hive, Ion, Dusk
In Which the People Shouted, and the Trumpets Were Blown. As Soon as the People Heard the Sound of the Trumpets, They Raised a Great Shout, and the Wall Fell Down Flat; so the People Charged Straight Ahead Into the City and Captured it.
Scott, Chevy, Jax, Fury, Wendy, Lucien, Shane, Gaétan, Taylor, Tag, Boss Chen, Erik, Leo, Elie, Avi, Nevaeh, Naomi, Echo, Nanami, Spencer, Clint, Winona, Terri Pryde, Roscoe, Kitty, Ryan
Kelawini, Harm, Remi, Leonidas, Lael, Asva, Sriyani, Ion, Polaris, Steve, DJ, Hive, Skye, Heather, Tian-shin, Joshua, Matt
Elie, Gaétan, Lucien
Steve, Ion, Matt, Lily, Winona, Echo
What You Can Get
Fury, Rasheed
Steve, Lucien, Matt, Jax
Prometheus: TITANFALL - eXtermination
Steve, DJ, Ryan, Kitty, Skye, Heather, Polaris, Scott, Hive, Charles, Winona, Sam, Ion, Hank
Alma, B, Matt, Dusk, Tian-shin, Kyinha, Cerebro, Jax
Jump Start
Charles, Scott, Spencer
Jax, Matt, Kyinha, Tian-shin, Alma, Scramble, Dusk, Blink, Ion, Kitty, Polaris, Steve, Ryan, Remi, Leonidas, Asva, Lael, Sriyani, Hive, Winona, Dawson, Lucien
Of Trials and Teamwork (Or, In Which Without Counsel, Plans go Wrong, but With Many Advisers They Succeed.)
Jax, Ryan, Erik, Charles, Regan, Steve, Hive, Kavalam, Scott, Kitty, Matt, Eric, Taylor, Scramble, Leo, Alma, Polaris, Isra, Cerebro, Heather, B, DJ, Dusk, Hank, Ion, Fury
Spencer, Dawson, Avi
A Long Way
Max Eisenhardt, Steve
Agree to Disagree
Sera, Avery
Charles, Steve
The tide beats in my soul so strong that happiness breaks forth in song,
Kitty, Leo?, Jax, DJ, Steve, Sam, Polaris, Hive, Matt, Fury, Ion, Dusk, Maya, Ryan, FitzSimmons
Lucien, Matt, Flèche
Steve, Fury
For the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds.
Jax, Kitty, Leo, Sarabeth Holland, Steve
Erik, Fury, Shane
Getting to Know You
Ansel, Lily
Jax, Steve, Dawson, Joshua
Fury, Lucien
Jax, Ryan, Shane, B, Steve
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.
Leo, Ion, Steve, Elliott, "Jax", Lucien