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{{Tab}}Warm and open, Ryan is friendly to most that he meets, though an underlying undercurrent of snark here and there may mark this as more a /practiced/ skill than an inherent one. He lives his life with a good deal of passion; for his music, for his friends, for the activism he delves into (largely centered around environmental justice and animal rights.) A strict vegan, he makes up for his care in diet with wanton abandon when it comes to chemicals, partying hard most nights a week and harder still after shows. For all his excess, he works fiercely hard when it comes to things that matter to him, practicing his music long hours each day and devoting plenty of time to various radical enterprises around the city. He also has kind of a problem with inveterate lying. All but the closest people in his life have gotten any number of different (untrue) answers about his life history. He tends to make up new stories on the fly when confronted with questions about his past.
{{Tab}} Brash and bold and loud, Ryan has been disappeared from the world once and doesn't plan to let it happen again. He wears his notoriety like armor, a cheerfully in-your-face shield that -- doesn't, really, let him flip off the government and yell about mutant rights with ''impunity''. But no matter how many times they throw him in jail, now, at least, they're stopping shy of outright killing him. He'll take that as a win.
! History
! Description
{{Tab}}Tall and wiry-toned, Ryan sports grey-green eyes and a messy crop of dark hair around his deep tan face. His features are clean-cut, a strong jaw, high cheekbones, a quick and warm smile, though he breaks up his boy-next-door look with a sprinkling of piercings through ears and lip and eyebrow and a few brightly noticeable tattoos -- a weaving of branches and leaves from a ginkgo plant sleeving his right arm to the elbow, an outline of the chemical structure of adrenaline by his right wrist, a treble clef by his left.
! Reputation
{{Tab}} Born the youngest of five children to a Baptist preacher in the deep South, Ryan's early life was mostly pretty strict. His parents insisted their children be prim and proper reflections of what a preacher's family /should/ be, and his father was not above enforcing discipline with a belt if the children stepped out of line. What 'out of line' constituted was a wide range of things. No cursing, no friends they did not approve of, no going to parties, no television, no rock music, no -- the list was extensive. Ryan never did all that well with it. He was never a particularly good student, and the constant parent-teacher conferences about his lack of homework, lack of studying, lack of discipline, just made his parents tighten the restrictions on him. He threw himself pretty hard into music, through this, this one /approved/ activity bringing him some respite from the constant discipline.
{{Tab}}Anyone who doesn't live under a rock has likely at the very least heard Ryan's name; it's quite likely they'll also find his face familiar; any amount of pop cultural OR current events knowledge whatsoever and he's ''readily'' identifiable on sight. An enormously popular star in the music world, he was wildly successful first thanks to the magic of streaming services and social media hype even before a record deal. Loudly outspoken about his queerness, about his anarchist politics, proud of his Latine heritage and vocally supportive of a range of leftist politics, his brash rebel image was a large part of his appeal with his fanbase. He was the celebrity who first made popular the "Magneto Was Right" shirts (before he was openly mutant); frequently in the news for altercations with fascists or other assorted bigots. The paparazzi likes to call him a bad boy; he says he's just passionate.

The manifestation of his mutation near the beginning of high school did not make the situation any better. His father insisted his son was possessed by a demon, and went through many elaborate lengths to try and exorcise this. Every attempt to rid Ryan of this "demon" failed, from holy water to prayer meetings to scourging to, at one point, getting a man who insisted he could /carve/ the demon out of Ryan (an ordeal that left him with thick autopsy-looking scars on his torso that he hides from all but his very closest friends.)
{{Tab}}His debut album was met with critical acclaim and topped the charts since its release; his shows sell out routinely, and he was the second artist in history to win all the general field Grammys in a single night -- following which he outed himself as a mutant on stage in his acceptance speech in February of 2019. As the first mutant celebrity at this level of national fame in the country it's been a rocky road since then -- losing his record deal, an upcoming movie contract, venues cancelling on him left and right. Several (very public) assassination attempts both overshadowed and augmented the publicity around his withdrawal from and then return to performing.

In the face of all this treatment, Ryan's behavior grew, well, worse. Aside from doing badly in school he'd never acted up all that much, but in the face of this recurring abuse he gave up on his parents' rules. He left home sometimes for days at a time, occasionally returning still high, on more than one occasion returning in police custody (though being the son of a popular preacher at least meant the sheriff returned him to his /home/ and not to jail.) It was a cycle that only made his parents come down on him harder. Which made him act out more. Eventually, though, tired of the increasingly /violent/ attempts to cure him of his mutation, Ryan left home for good, dropping out of high school at sixteen and leaving his parents behind to move to New Orleans. Though technically homeless, he made friends easily, crashing on many couches and only infrequently actually spending nights /on/ the streets. It was around this time that he started getting seriously involved in activism, while crashing in a squat with a bunch of anarchists. He and his friends arranged a raid, one night, on a mink farm, freeing the animals inside. They got away with it -- for a while. But a second such raid ended with the FBI at their door, charging them with a whole litany of things, though the ones that stuck were Animal Enterprise Terrorism. One of the other teenagers involved in the raids accepted a plea bargain in return for turning in information about the others, and Ryan served two years in prison, one in a juvenile center before he was moved to a general detention center.
{{Tab}}In 2023 he stirred up a media furor Yet Again, this time in connection with [[Prometheus]]'s return to the spotlight -- during the media spectacle around their ignominous downfall it came out that not only was Ryan an ex-inmate in the mutant experimentation labs, he had been working for a decade and a half with [[Jax|Jackson Holland]] to lead the team that liberated people from the labs. ''Severely'' injured in the publicized raid on Lassiter, he has not made much ''public'' appearance since Prometheus's downfall, though his PR team has released statements that he & his family would appreciate privacy as he recovers.
He's probably one of the most peaceful terrorists the country has seen. He left the South behind, once he was out, hitchhiking up the East Coast and -- getting picked up by the wrong people, who turned him in to Prometheus when they realized he was a mutant. Ryan was in the labs another two years, a rather grueling time that left him with a healthy dose of PTSD.
! History
He jokes it also gave him some of his best friends, though. These days he lives in the East Village, publicly making a name for himself as an up-and-coming musician, privately still working to help break other people out of the laboratories that stole two years of his life. He's tight-lipped about his mutation in public, not wanting coming out to ruin his burgeoning music career, though he harbors fantasies of some day /after/ he has achieved some measure of fame just letting the world know and seeing how they handle it.  
{{Tab}}Ryan's life history changes blithely with the telling of it; he makes up stories both plausible and farfetched to anyone who asks much about his life. What ''is'' widely and publicly known is that he's the son of a Baptist preacher from Down South, he got his start in folk music before hitting it big.
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{{Tab}}Ryan is primarily an audiokinetic, with control over sound waves. He can do a lot with them, from distorting the flow of sound to have conversations audible to who he wants and nobody else to autotuning his own music (which he never does, he /swears/) to replicating soundwaves (mimicking voices, music, or whatever other noises) to using echolocation to navigate. He can generate large amounts of sonic energy, enough to cause injury to people in the way of his blasts or even enough to vibrate at the right frequencies to break down some solid objects. Plenty of intensive experimenting during his stint in Prometheus has honed his abilities to give him a good deal of control, though given his age this will likely only grow with time.
{{Tab}}Empathic audiokinesis. Generates and manipulates sound, manipulates people through sound.
Secondary to his audiokinesis, Ryan possesses a low-grade empathy, capable of reading and guiding the emotions of those around him. It took him a long time to realize it, because his empathy /only/ works in tandem with sound, and /only/ with sound that people are voluntarily creating. He can only /influence/ emotions through sound he creates -- music, singing, talking -- and he can only read people's emotions if they are talking/singing/etc. The radio doesn't work. Footsteps and incidental sounds don't work. Just intentional noises, most especially those intended for communication. His empathy is not enormously powerful; it can affect anyone capable of hearing the sounds in question (meaning it is useless on, say, deaf people, or people with earplugs in, or people out of audible range) so its range can be wide (especially at something like an amplified concert) but its pull is only moderate. He can't force someone to do a complete 180 with their emotions, but he can nudge them in the direction he wants to go. He can take the edge off anger and encourage calm, for example, but if someone's really /determined/ to start a fight he likely won't be able to sway them as much. People already receptive to what he is trying to do -- people who /know/ he is using empathy and are okay with it, people who are already mildly inclined in the direction he's pushing -- are far easier to sway and will feel his influence very much more powerfully.
! Skills
This tends to mean his music really moves people. He was actually pretty sad to discover that this wasn't just because he is a great musician and was helped greatly by playing with cheat codes enabled.
{{Tab}}Singing, playing violin/guitar/keyboard, making a spectacle of himself, snark.
He's still a pretty great musician, though.  
! Connections
! Connections
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* Coming soon.
*[[Alma]] - Mendelssohn - Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 (Allegro molto appassionato); calm and steady cloud-grey tempering impassioned jags of saffron.
*[[B]] - Paganini - Caprice No. 24; A challenging tapestry of bright watery blues and earthy greens.
*[[Charles]] - Bach - Concerto for 2 Violins in D Minor, BWV 1043 (II. Largo); Grounding and poised amber, with a thrilling contrapuntal voice in royal purple.
*<strike>[[Dawson]] - Saint-Saëns - et Rondo Capriccioso; dazzling daring amethyst.</strike>
*[[Daiki]] - Wieniawski - Scherzo-Tarantelle, Op. 16; Need restraint to handle azure this intense.
*[[Dusk]] - Sibelius - Mazurka, Op. 81, No.1; An absolutely intoxicating orchid.
*[[Erik]] - Bach - Concerto for 2 Violins in D Minor, BWV 1043 (I. Vivace); Bold and daring tyrian purple, with a steady contrapuntal voice in deep amber.
*[[Ion]] - Bruch - Violin Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 26: Finale (Allegro energico); An exuberant clash of fuchsia and crimson.
*[[Jax]] - Bartok - Violin Concerto No. 2, Sz. 112. Allegro; a vivid sunburst-ember orange firestorm.
*[[Kitty]] - Bacewicz - Violin Concerto No. 3 (III. Vivo); expressive midnight-blue spread liberally with a fervour of bright silver.
*[[Leo]] - Shostakovich - Concerto No. 1 in A Minor Op 77: Nocturne - Moderato; Deep sea green layered over a shift of other colors too tamped down to grasp.
*[[Lucien]] - Mozart - Symphony No. 41 in C, K551 – Jupiter; brilliant leaf green, ambitious whorls of rose.
*[[Marinov]] - Sarasate - Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20; Showstopping in bold forest green & an explosion of rich wine.
*[[Rasheed]] - Beethoven - Violin Sonata No. 9 in A major, Op. 47 (I. Adagio sostenuto - Presto); powerful tawny-gold inextricably twined with a melancholy eggplant.
*[[Scott]] - Bacewicz - Violin Concerto No. 7 (II. Largo); Cool slate-grey, eloquent in its austerity.
*[[Scramble]] - Glass - Violin Concerto No. 1; an intoxicating cherry-red overload.
*[[Skye]] - Beach - Sonata in A Minor; lively magenta and haunting indigo by turns.
*[[Shane]] - Bach - Partita No. 2 in D Minor, Chaconne; Dramatic cobalt shot through with joyful splashes of gold.
*[[Spencer]] - Kreisler - Tambourin chinois; a playful delight of cobalt and sunshine yellow.
*[[Taylor]] - Falla - La vida breve / Act 2: Spanish Dance No.1; Boisterous flamingo, upbeat spring green.
*[[Wendy]] - Boulanger - Nocturne; delicate blush-pink filled out with an intense garnet flourish.

* Coming soon.
*[[DJ]] - Saint-Saëns - Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61 (I. Allegro non troppo); Lively verdant green harmonizing gracefully with a rich plum.
*[[Fury]] -  Berg - Violin Concerto (II. Allegro); Intense and violent bombast of flamingo and safety orange.
*[[Hive]] - Saint-Saëns - Introduction; rich and plaintive in a dappled emerald and juniper.
*[[Joshua]] - Vivaldi - Concerto No. 3 in F major, Op. 8, RV 293, L'autunno (II. Adago molto); Deep shadowy sable obscuring impassioned carmine beneath.
*[[Lily]] - Vivaldi - Concerto No. 4 in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, L'inverno (III. Allegro); A precarious balance of rough bark-brown and glittering ice-blue.
*[[Malthus]] - Bruckner - Symphony No. 7 in E Major, II. Adagio; lugubrious brown, just shy of dried blood; streaks of alabaster marbled through the cracks.
*[[Matt]] - Mozart - Marriage of Figaro Overture, KV 492; entertaining bubblegum and lofty jungle green.
*[[Polaris]] - Tchaikovsky - Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35 Finale (Allegro vivacissimo); a passionate tumult of scarlet and emerald.
*[[Steve]] - Vittorio Monti - Csárdás; a deep and grounded navy highlit with undertones of more fiery carnelian.

'''And everything in between'''
* Coming soon.
! Trivia
*His fans commonly refer to themselves as Blackbirds.
**Yes, there is no end of four-and-twenty references among individual fan groups.
**When they're being particularly troublesome or aggressive en masse online it's also common to refer to them as Blackguards.
*At around 90m followers on Twitter he has learned to be at least ''somewhat'' careful what he says on there so as not to send his fanbase swarming unsuspecting people.
**The day of Captain America's coming out wasn't the first time Trump threatened him on Twitter -- ''that'' happened a couple years earlier, the day Ryan's follower count passed Trump's own.
*Has a tattoo of the chemical structure of adrenaline near his right wrist, a treble clef near his left, and a weaving of gingko leaves and branches sleeving his right upper arm.
*Though the ''full'' potential and range of his mutation is not known, it is well known that he can manipulate sounds and has some empathic abilities, which has lead many people to accuse him of "cheating" somehow in the music he creates or the enjoyment people get at his shows, up to and including petitions to revoke the many awards he has received.
*Well known to be BFFs with his partner in crime [[Jax|Jackson Holland]].
*Well known also to have had a short-lived but widely publicized romantic relationship with [[Steve|Captain America]].
*There are many and frequent gossip page rumors about all the people he's probably sleeping with (generally assumed to be most anyone he'd seen hanging out with.) He generally neither confirms nor denies.
*Known to be vegan, an anarchist, and ''loudly'' outspoken on a range of leftist issues as well as frequently throwing his monetary support behind them.
*Despite being quite openly bisexual and speaking about it plainly on many occasions, including writing it into several songs and being very direct about dating people of all genders, media frequently refers to him as "a strong ally to the LGBT community" when he is at fundraisers, Pride events, etc.
*During the 2020 Coronavirus epidemic, helped start and run Couchella, an online music and arts festival where people could find daily free concerts & other livestreamed entertainment events.
**Though the epidemic has dwindled to manageable levels in NYC, Couchella is still an ongoing daily event; when he's not on the road he still MCs it frequently, although it's grown to a size that he has a whole team to help manage it now.
*Has auditory synesthesia, which most who know him assume has to do with his mutation although the sounds-colors linkage in his brain was there long before his mutation ever manifested -- ''that'' just imposed a ''tactile'' connection on top of it as well.
*Has very been the target of many high-profile assassination attempts since coming out as a mutant and quite a number of less well known ones -- the one that received the most press by far was a bombing at the 2019 Met Gala that killed several of his crew/band/backup dancers and nearly killed him.
*Known to preferentially hire mutants for any position that works for him -- crew, band, bodyguards, etc; though it's harder to exclusively patronize mutant businesses for ''all'' the peripheral work associated with his music he goes out of his way to try that as well, which has directly led to a number of mutant businesses growing around the country that previously could not get off the ground.
! Notable Selections from his Music!
*No Strings - the first single of his to meet with any widespread success, kind of an angsty teen rejection of being told how to behave
*Blackbird - a lyrical vignette about a quiet moment in the bayou and a partial inspiration for his hardcore fans' nickname for themselves
*Enough -an angry meditation on bigotry and capitalism, very popular with leftists who haven't dumped him for being a mutant
*Why Not Both? (feat. Halsey) - a whimsical song about being bisexual
*See it Through (2018 album; won Grammy - Album of the Year 2019)
**Sing me to Life - musically spectacular piece, usually what other violinists play if they like him and want to show off their skills
**See it Through - pretty much about mutual aid and activism, was immensely popular with leftists writ large and still is to some extent
**Brighter (Grammy - Song/Record of the Year) - basically a love song to Jax, and also very danceable
**Disappear - angry song about losing friends and refusing to be silenced, popular with angry young mutants
**Firefly O' Clock - ballad about simple joys and southern nights
**Little Wonder - an ode to defiant kids, transparently about Spencer to anyone who knows him. "I blink and I miss it, just look at you go/Really little wonder, no wonder you glow"
**On the Ball - about ballroom culture and queer families of choice, basically
**Dreaming in the Light - actually about Prometheus, though probably not obvious to anyone who doesn't know him
**Lost & Found - very catchy 2nd single widely regarded as not being political, contains thoughtful commentary on belonging and community. "We're never lost, we will find each other/A friend a teacher, muse or a lover"
**Home Again - a lament for losing one family and a celebration of finding another, plays off the saying "you can never go home again".
*Rogga (Off the soundtrack of a movie adaptation of N.K. Jemisin's "The Fifth Season") - very popular with younger mutants for its theme of defiance at oppression specifically directed toward those whose powers are feared by others. "You took me down, I wasn't alone/Our voice will shatter hearts of stone"
*As I Am - an unapologetic defense of coming out, though it's not clear whether it's meant to be about being queer or a mutant
*New Skin - single about the mutant experience, debuted at the Met Gala, interrupted by a bombing that reportedly killed Ryan, which has given the song a kind of cult status.
*Growing Season (feat. [[Shane]] on violin) (theme song for a Netflix original series Garden Variety -- the show is very popular with teenagers; the song itself has gotten wildly more popular than the show did, somehow) - a sweet/catchy song about love and family and self-discovery
*Stonewall - queer power ballad dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, makes some LG(B) assimilationists very uncomfortable
*Save Me (feat. [[Shane]] on violin)- seems to be about superheroes but is actually about surviving the Met Gala bombing and learning to make art again (with a lot of help)
*Stop For Death (feat. [[Shane]] on violin) (Theme song for James Bond ''No Time to Die'' movie) - total nonsense, total earworm, no one's sure what it means exactly
*Care Less (feat. [[Shane]] on violin) - fierce, slick, danceable song that's actually about caring more
*Safer (feat. [[Shane]] on violin) - catchy, poppy, and pretty straightforwardly about vulnerability, trauma, and consent
*Keep Your Family Closer (feat. [[Shane]] on violin) (for the Fast and Furious 9 soundtrack) - very popular with mutants, despite not being about mutants at all
*Shelter (feat. [[Shane]] on violin) (August 2020)
**Blue - Seems to just be a meditation on the color blue, but is also an allegorical journey from depression into healing.
**Winter Is - A list of cozy winter things tied together with praise about communities coming together in harsh times. Described by a critic as "a fantastic Christmas song, if it could bear to say the word Christmas" "Winter is thick socks and cocoa and song, winter is warmth in his arms/Winter is patient and quiet and strong, winter has winter's own charms"
**In Place - First Single. About taking care of each other, structured loosely after the Prayer of Saint Francis. "I have some things that I can bring, so put me, put me in place/In place of silence let us sing, in place of darkness let us shine/We may none of us be kings, but we will surely hold the line"
**Balm - An elegy that could be interpreted as being for anyone, slow and beautiful and poetic, but with an undercurrent of defiance.
**In Riotous Bloom - A tale about a field of flowers in the whimsical style of "At the Zoo", but sort of poking gentle fun at leftist tendencies.
**Shield - Isn't actually about Steve, but people protecting each other. Maybe it's a little bit about Steve.
**Calico - A sketch of friendship and intimacy through the eyes of Cat (although it's written such that it could be any calico cat, to his friends it's obviously Cat). "Makes his tea perfectly every time/Says if you're the law then everything's crime."
**In Tone - A very punny song about synaethesia and working together. "Melody richest violet, harmony in shades of blue/Bright beneath his fingertips, the sweetest I ever knew"
**Zoom Out - On a superficial level, about burning out on too many video calls, but actually very much about stopping to consider the bigger picture
**Lift Off - A poppy uplifting song about flight and falling in love.
**Cambrian Explosion - A cute story about a (mutant?) trilobite surviving in a hostile ocean and finding others like itself.
! Gallery
! Gallery
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! Full Name
! Montgomery Ryan Black
{| width="100%" class="infobox" style="border-collapse: collapse; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000"
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| colspan="2" | [[Image:|center]]
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| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Codename'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Codename'''
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| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Birthdate'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Birthdate'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 1980-08-22
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| August 22, 1990
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Birthplace'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Louisiana
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Species'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Species'''
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| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Affiliation'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Affiliation'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| None
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Mutantkind
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Alignment'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Alignment'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| None
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Loud
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Powers'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Powers'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Audiokinesis & Low-grade Empathy
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Audiokinesis/Empathy
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Occupation'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Occupation'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Musician
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Rock Star
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Registration Status'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Unregistered
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="left" | '''Played By'''
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Sebastián Yatra
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! style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" | RP Hooks
! style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" | RP Hooks
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''RP Hook''' - ''Explanation.''
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''Notorious''' - ''Ryan isn't just famous for a mutant, he's ''really'' famous. His music and media presence has been such that most people who follow pop culture at ALL will almost certainly recognize him, and even people who don't are likely to be familiar with some of his songs.
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''Wild Child''' - ''Sex, drugs, rock and roll? Ryan is not above living down to some stereotypes... a lot. If you want the hookups for all the best parties or are into a wild night out, you might well run into him.''
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''RP Hook''' - ''Explanation.''
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''Role Model''' - ''For better or worse, often has young queer kids or Latinx kids or mutant kids excited that One Of Theirs has made it big. Very protective and solicitous of The Youth, though his advice is prooobably to be taken with a heap of salt.''
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''RP Hook''' - ''Explanation.''
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''...Notorious''' - ''Together with [[Jax]] has spent the past many years working to liberate other mutants from the Prometheus project, earning him an entirely different sort of reputation among those unlucky enough to have been through the labs.''
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''RP Hook''' - ''Explanation.''
|style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| '''A Pretty Large Target''' - ''As the first and still pretty much only truly Big Name celebrities who is openly mutant, he tends to attract... a lot of opinions, for good and, mostly, bad. Love him or hate him, think he's so brave or he's giving mutants a TERRIBLE name, want to murder him or wish he'd crawl back under a rock, people usually have SOME kind of thoughts even before they've met him!''
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[[Category:Active PCs]][[Category:]][[Category:]]
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">'''Archived Logs'''
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{{ RP Logs | name = {{BASEPAGENAME}} | columns = 3 | ordermethod = gamedate | namespace = ArchivedLogs }}
[[Category:Active PCs]][[Category:Mutants]][[Category:Prometheus]]

Latest revision as of 01:00, 3 October 2023

Throw all your hell towards the heavens

xxxxx Brash and bold and loud, Ryan has been disappeared from the world once and doesn't plan to let it happen again. He wears his notoriety like armor, a cheerfully in-your-face shield that -- doesn't, really, let him flip off the government and yell about mutant rights with impunity. But no matter how many times they throw him in jail, now, at least, they're stopping shy of outright killing him. He'll take that as a win.


xxxxxTall and wiry-toned, Ryan sports grey-green eyes and a messy crop of dark hair around his deep tan face. His features are clean-cut, a strong jaw, high cheekbones, a quick and warm smile, though he breaks up his boy-next-door look with a sprinkling of piercings through ears and lip and eyebrow and a few brightly noticeable tattoos -- a weaving of branches and leaves from a ginkgo plant sleeving his right arm to the elbow, an outline of the chemical structure of adrenaline by his right wrist, a treble clef by his left.


xxxxxAnyone who doesn't live under a rock has likely at the very least heard Ryan's name; it's quite likely they'll also find his face familiar; any amount of pop cultural OR current events knowledge whatsoever and he's readily identifiable on sight. An enormously popular star in the music world, he was wildly successful first thanks to the magic of streaming services and social media hype even before a record deal. Loudly outspoken about his queerness, about his anarchist politics, proud of his Latine heritage and vocally supportive of a range of leftist politics, his brash rebel image was a large part of his appeal with his fanbase. He was the celebrity who first made popular the "Magneto Was Right" shirts (before he was openly mutant); frequently in the news for altercations with fascists or other assorted bigots. The paparazzi likes to call him a bad boy; he says he's just passionate.

xxxxxHis debut album was met with critical acclaim and topped the charts since its release; his shows sell out routinely, and he was the second artist in history to win all the general field Grammys in a single night -- following which he outed himself as a mutant on stage in his acceptance speech in February of 2019. As the first mutant celebrity at this level of national fame in the country it's been a rocky road since then -- losing his record deal, an upcoming movie contract, venues cancelling on him left and right. Several (very public) assassination attempts both overshadowed and augmented the publicity around his withdrawal from and then return to performing.

xxxxxIn 2023 he stirred up a media furor Yet Again, this time in connection with Prometheus's return to the spotlight -- during the media spectacle around their ignominous downfall it came out that not only was Ryan an ex-inmate in the mutant experimentation labs, he had been working for a decade and a half with Jackson Holland to lead the team that liberated people from the labs. Severely injured in the publicized raid on Lassiter, he has not made much public appearance since Prometheus's downfall, though his PR team has released statements that he & his family would appreciate privacy as he recovers.


xxxxxRyan's life history changes blithely with the telling of it; he makes up stories both plausible and farfetched to anyone who asks much about his life. What is widely and publicly known is that he's the son of a Baptist preacher from Down South, he got his start in folk music before hitting it big.


xxxxxEmpathic audiokinesis. Generates and manipulates sound, manipulates people through sound.


xxxxxSinging, playing violin/guitar/keyboard, making a spectacle of himself, snark.



  • Alma - Mendelssohn - Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 (Allegro molto appassionato); calm and steady cloud-grey tempering impassioned jags of saffron.
  • B - Paganini - Caprice No. 24; A challenging tapestry of bright watery blues and earthy greens.
  • Charles - Bach - Concerto for 2 Violins in D Minor, BWV 1043 (II. Largo); Grounding and poised amber, with a thrilling contrapuntal voice in royal purple.
  • Dawson - Saint-Saëns - et Rondo Capriccioso; dazzling daring amethyst.
  • Daiki - Wieniawski - Scherzo-Tarantelle, Op. 16; Need restraint to handle azure this intense.
  • Dusk - Sibelius - Mazurka, Op. 81, No.1; An absolutely intoxicating orchid.
  • Erik - Bach - Concerto for 2 Violins in D Minor, BWV 1043 (I. Vivace); Bold and daring tyrian purple, with a steady contrapuntal voice in deep amber.
  • Ion - Bruch - Violin Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 26: Finale (Allegro energico); An exuberant clash of fuchsia and crimson.
  • Jax - Bartok - Violin Concerto No. 2, Sz. 112. Allegro; a vivid sunburst-ember orange firestorm.
  • Kitty - Bacewicz - Violin Concerto No. 3 (III. Vivo); expressive midnight-blue spread liberally with a fervour of bright silver.
  • Leo - Shostakovich - Concerto No. 1 in A Minor Op 77: Nocturne - Moderato; Deep sea green layered over a shift of other colors too tamped down to grasp.
  • Lucien - Mozart - Symphony No. 41 in C, K551 – Jupiter; brilliant leaf green, ambitious whorls of rose.
  • Marinov - Sarasate - Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20; Showstopping in bold forest green & an explosion of rich wine.
  • Rasheed - Beethoven - Violin Sonata No. 9 in A major, Op. 47 (I. Adagio sostenuto - Presto); powerful tawny-gold inextricably twined with a melancholy eggplant.
  • Scott - Bacewicz - Violin Concerto No. 7 (II. Largo); Cool slate-grey, eloquent in its austerity.
  • Scramble - Glass - Violin Concerto No. 1; an intoxicating cherry-red overload.
  • Skye - Beach - Sonata in A Minor; lively magenta and haunting indigo by turns.
  • Shane - Bach - Partita No. 2 in D Minor, Chaconne; Dramatic cobalt shot through with joyful splashes of gold.
  • Spencer - Kreisler - Tambourin chinois; a playful delight of cobalt and sunshine yellow.
  • Taylor - Falla - La vida breve / Act 2: Spanish Dance No.1; Boisterous flamingo, upbeat spring green.
  • Wendy - Boulanger - Nocturne; delicate blush-pink filled out with an intense garnet flourish.


  • DJ - Saint-Saëns - Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61 (I. Allegro non troppo); Lively verdant green harmonizing gracefully with a rich plum.
  • Fury - Berg - Violin Concerto (II. Allegro); Intense and violent bombast of flamingo and safety orange.
  • Hive - Saint-Saëns - Introduction; rich and plaintive in a dappled emerald and juniper.
  • Joshua - Vivaldi - Concerto No. 3 in F major, Op. 8, RV 293, L'autunno (II. Adago molto); Deep shadowy sable obscuring impassioned carmine beneath.
  • Lily - Vivaldi - Concerto No. 4 in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, L'inverno (III. Allegro); A precarious balance of rough bark-brown and glittering ice-blue.
  • Malthus - Bruckner - Symphony No. 7 in E Major, II. Adagio; lugubrious brown, just shy of dried blood; streaks of alabaster marbled through the cracks.
  • Matt - Mozart - Marriage of Figaro Overture, KV 492; entertaining bubblegum and lofty jungle green.
  • Polaris - Tchaikovsky - Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35 Finale (Allegro vivacissimo); a passionate tumult of scarlet and emerald.
  • Steve - Vittorio Monti - Csárdás; a deep and grounded navy highlit with undertones of more fiery carnelian.
  • His fans commonly refer to themselves as Blackbirds.
    • Yes, there is no end of four-and-twenty references among individual fan groups.
    • When they're being particularly troublesome or aggressive en masse online it's also common to refer to them as Blackguards.
  • At around 90m followers on Twitter he has learned to be at least somewhat careful what he says on there so as not to send his fanbase swarming unsuspecting people.
    • The day of Captain America's coming out wasn't the first time Trump threatened him on Twitter -- that happened a couple years earlier, the day Ryan's follower count passed Trump's own.
  • Has a tattoo of the chemical structure of adrenaline near his right wrist, a treble clef near his left, and a weaving of gingko leaves and branches sleeving his right upper arm.
  • Though the full potential and range of his mutation is not known, it is well known that he can manipulate sounds and has some empathic abilities, which has lead many people to accuse him of "cheating" somehow in the music he creates or the enjoyment people get at his shows, up to and including petitions to revoke the many awards he has received.
  • Well known to be BFFs with his partner in crime Jackson Holland.
  • Well known also to have had a short-lived but widely publicized romantic relationship with Captain America.
  • There are many and frequent gossip page rumors about all the people he's probably sleeping with (generally assumed to be most anyone he'd seen hanging out with.) He generally neither confirms nor denies.
  • Known to be vegan, an anarchist, and loudly outspoken on a range of leftist issues as well as frequently throwing his monetary support behind them.
  • Despite being quite openly bisexual and speaking about it plainly on many occasions, including writing it into several songs and being very direct about dating people of all genders, media frequently refers to him as "a strong ally to the LGBT community" when he is at fundraisers, Pride events, etc.
  • During the 2020 Coronavirus epidemic, helped start and run Couchella, an online music and arts festival where people could find daily free concerts & other livestreamed entertainment events.
    • Though the epidemic has dwindled to manageable levels in NYC, Couchella is still an ongoing daily event; when he's not on the road he still MCs it frequently, although it's grown to a size that he has a whole team to help manage it now.
  • Has auditory synesthesia, which most who know him assume has to do with his mutation although the sounds-colors linkage in his brain was there long before his mutation ever manifested -- that just imposed a tactile connection on top of it as well.
  • Has very been the target of many high-profile assassination attempts since coming out as a mutant and quite a number of less well known ones -- the one that received the most press by far was a bombing at the 2019 Met Gala that killed several of his crew/band/backup dancers and nearly killed him.
  • Known to preferentially hire mutants for any position that works for him -- crew, band, bodyguards, etc; though it's harder to exclusively patronize mutant businesses for all the peripheral work associated with his music he goes out of his way to try that as well, which has directly led to a number of mutant businesses growing around the country that previously could not get off the ground.
Notable Selections from his Music!
  • No Strings - the first single of his to meet with any widespread success, kind of an angsty teen rejection of being told how to behave
  • Blackbird - a lyrical vignette about a quiet moment in the bayou and a partial inspiration for his hardcore fans' nickname for themselves
  • Enough -an angry meditation on bigotry and capitalism, very popular with leftists who haven't dumped him for being a mutant
  • Why Not Both? (feat. Halsey) - a whimsical song about being bisexual
  • See it Through (2018 album; won Grammy - Album of the Year 2019)
    • Sing me to Life - musically spectacular piece, usually what other violinists play if they like him and want to show off their skills
    • See it Through - pretty much about mutual aid and activism, was immensely popular with leftists writ large and still is to some extent
    • Brighter (Grammy - Song/Record of the Year) - basically a love song to Jax, and also very danceable
    • Disappear - angry song about losing friends and refusing to be silenced, popular with angry young mutants
    • Firefly O' Clock - ballad about simple joys and southern nights
    • Little Wonder - an ode to defiant kids, transparently about Spencer to anyone who knows him. "I blink and I miss it, just look at you go/Really little wonder, no wonder you glow"
    • On the Ball - about ballroom culture and queer families of choice, basically
    • Dreaming in the Light - actually about Prometheus, though probably not obvious to anyone who doesn't know him
    • Lost & Found - very catchy 2nd single widely regarded as not being political, contains thoughtful commentary on belonging and community. "We're never lost, we will find each other/A friend a teacher, muse or a lover"
    • Home Again - a lament for losing one family and a celebration of finding another, plays off the saying "you can never go home again".
  • Rogga (Off the soundtrack of a movie adaptation of N.K. Jemisin's "The Fifth Season") - very popular with younger mutants for its theme of defiance at oppression specifically directed toward those whose powers are feared by others. "You took me down, I wasn't alone/Our voice will shatter hearts of stone"
  • As I Am - an unapologetic defense of coming out, though it's not clear whether it's meant to be about being queer or a mutant
  • New Skin - single about the mutant experience, debuted at the Met Gala, interrupted by a bombing that reportedly killed Ryan, which has given the song a kind of cult status.
  • Growing Season (feat. Shane on violin) (theme song for a Netflix original series Garden Variety -- the show is very popular with teenagers; the song itself has gotten wildly more popular than the show did, somehow) - a sweet/catchy song about love and family and self-discovery
  • Stonewall - queer power ballad dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, makes some LG(B) assimilationists very uncomfortable
  • Save Me (feat. Shane on violin)- seems to be about superheroes but is actually about surviving the Met Gala bombing and learning to make art again (with a lot of help)
  • Stop For Death (feat. Shane on violin) (Theme song for James Bond No Time to Die movie) - total nonsense, total earworm, no one's sure what it means exactly
  • Care Less (feat. Shane on violin) - fierce, slick, danceable song that's actually about caring more
  • Safer (feat. Shane on violin) - catchy, poppy, and pretty straightforwardly about vulnerability, trauma, and consent
  • Keep Your Family Closer (feat. Shane on violin) (for the Fast and Furious 9 soundtrack) - very popular with mutants, despite not being about mutants at all
  • Shelter (feat. Shane on violin) (August 2020)
    • Blue - Seems to just be a meditation on the color blue, but is also an allegorical journey from depression into healing.
    • Winter Is - A list of cozy winter things tied together with praise about communities coming together in harsh times. Described by a critic as "a fantastic Christmas song, if it could bear to say the word Christmas" "Winter is thick socks and cocoa and song, winter is warmth in his arms/Winter is patient and quiet and strong, winter has winter's own charms"
    • In Place - First Single. About taking care of each other, structured loosely after the Prayer of Saint Francis. "I have some things that I can bring, so put me, put me in place/In place of silence let us sing, in place of darkness let us shine/We may none of us be kings, but we will surely hold the line"
    • Balm - An elegy that could be interpreted as being for anyone, slow and beautiful and poetic, but with an undercurrent of defiance.
    • In Riotous Bloom - A tale about a field of flowers in the whimsical style of "At the Zoo", but sort of poking gentle fun at leftist tendencies.
    • Shield - Isn't actually about Steve, but people protecting each other. Maybe it's a little bit about Steve.
    • Calico - A sketch of friendship and intimacy through the eyes of Cat (although it's written such that it could be any calico cat, to his friends it's obviously Cat). "Makes his tea perfectly every time/Says if you're the law then everything's crime."
    • In Tone - A very punny song about synaethesia and working together. "Melody richest violet, harmony in shades of blue/Bright beneath his fingertips, the sweetest I ever knew"
    • Zoom Out - On a superficial level, about burning out on too many video calls, but actually very much about stopping to consider the bigger picture
    • Lift Off - A poppy uplifting song about flight and falling in love.
    • Cambrian Explosion - A cute story about a (mutant?) trilobite surviving in a hostile ocean and finding others like itself.

Ryanpeace.jpg Ryanlights.jpg Ryanbw.jpg

Montgomery Ryan Black
Codename None
Birthdate August 22, 1990
Birthplace Louisiana
Species Mutant
Affiliation Mutantkind
Alignment Loud
Powers Audiokinesis/Empathy
Occupation Rock Star
Registration Status Unregistered
Played By Sebastián Yatra
RP Hooks
Notorious - Ryan isn't just famous for a mutant, he's really famous. His music and media presence has been such that most people who follow pop culture at ALL will almost certainly recognize him, and even people who don't are likely to be familiar with some of his songs.
Wild Child - Sex, drugs, rock and roll? Ryan is not above living down to some stereotypes... a lot. If you want the hookups for all the best parties or are into a wild night out, you might well run into him.
Role Model - For better or worse, often has young queer kids or Latinx kids or mutant kids excited that One Of Theirs has made it big. Very protective and solicitous of The Youth, though his advice is prooobably to be taken with a heap of salt.
...Notorious - Together with Jax has spent the past many years working to liberate other mutants from the Prometheus project, earning him an entirely different sort of reputation among those unlucky enough to have been through the labs.
A Pretty Large Target - As the first and still pretty much only truly Big Name celebrities who is openly mutant, he tends to attract... a lot of opinions, for good and, mostly, bad. Love him or hate him, think he's so brave or he's giving mutants a TERRIBLE name, want to murder him or wish he'd crawl back under a rock, people usually have SOME kind of thoughts even before they've met him!
1..5051..97(97 total)
  • (2024-05-07)
Hands On
  • (2024-04-28)
In Which Some Noise is Planned Over Hot Beverages
  • (2024-04-07)
Pay Attention
  • (2024-04-06)
Sip it Slowly
  • (2024-04-01)
In Which A Number Of Interviewees Are Approximately As Forthcoming As Could Be Expected
  • (2024-03-17)
Post Hoc
  • (2024-02-13)
Heart Strings
  • (2024-02-13)
Ask For Me By Name
  • (2023-12-31)
Of Freedom and Festivals (Or, Through the Cracks)
  • (2023-11-20)
Differently Sheltered
  • (2023-09-16)
  • (2023-08-22)
Agony and Ecstasy
  • (2023-08-14)
Courting Danger
  • (2023-08-13)
(Get Your) Freak Out
  • (2023-07-30)
Next Steps
  • (2023-07-28)
In Which the People Shouted, and the Trumpets Were Blown. As Soon as the People Heard the Sound of the Trumpets, They Raised a Great Shout, and the Wall Fell Down Flat; so the People Charged Straight Ahead Into the City and Captured it.
  • (2023-07-23)
Prometheus: TITANFALL - eXtermination
  • (2023-07-22)
Of Trials and Teamwork (Or, In Which Without Counsel, Plans go Wrong, but With Many Advisers They Succeed.)
  • (2023-07-07)
Prometheus: TITANFALL - Alpha
  • (2023-07-04)
Of Riots and Rethinking (Or, Best Laid Plans)
  • (2023-06-21)
The tide beats in my soul so strong that happiness breaks forth in song,
  • (2023-06-21)
Operation: S.O.L.S.T.I.C.E.
  • (2023-06-21)
Joy springs all radiant in my breast; Though pauper poor, than king more blest,
  • (2023-06-21)
And rings aloud the welkin blue With all the songs I ever knew.
  • (2023-05-13)
A Light in Dark Places
  • (2023-04-29)
In Tone
  • (2023-03-14)
The Straight Dope
  • (2023-02-21)
Plan B
  • (2023-02-19)
Split Ends
  • (2023-01-28)
In Which a Family Meeting Does Not Go As Planned and Evolve's Patrons Get Far More Than They Ordered
  • (2022-12-21)
Matt vs. the Best Laid Plans
  • (2022-03-31)
Under My Umbrella
  • (2022-03-31)
Brownie Points
  • (2022-03-10)
  • (2022-03-08)
Purity of Purpose
  • (2021-11-29)
Madness That Way Lies
  • (2021-11-11)
The Devil You Know
  • (2021-10-16)
Rocking Out (Prometheus Raid, Team 2)
  • (2021-10-15)
Exchange Rate
  • (2021-09-27)
Queer Vegan Discourse Goat Cult
  • (2021-09-17)
A Bird In The Hand
  • (2021-06-26)
Personal Appearance Code
  • (2021-01-19)
Brunch Bunch
  • (2021-01-02)
Flighty Subject
  • (2020-12-29)
No Place In Heaven
  • (2020-12-12)
Unearned Luck
  • (2020-11-04)
So Much More
  • (2020-10-23)
Moving Targets
  • (2020-10-20)
Calculated Risks
  • (2020-10-17)
I Was Born Sick, But I Love It
1..5051..97(97 total)
Archived Logs
  • (2018-06-07)
Better Alive
  • (2017-12-19)
Deep Fried Miracles
  • (2017-11-27)
Real Winter
  • (2017-09-08)
Mutants of Late Capitalism
  • (2017-08-28)
No Shoes
  • (2017-08-27)
  • (2017-08-24)
Small Mercies
  • (2017-08-22)
Incognito, Ergo Sum
  • (2017-08-21)
  • (2017-08-20)
Wide Range
  • (2017-08-13)
Selective Memory
  • (2017-08-11)
  • (2017-05-18)
Be Controversial
  • (2015-01-02)
  • (2014-07-23)
Tick, Tick, Boom
  • (2014-07-02)
  • (2014-06-11)
All Shapes
  • (2014-01-26)
Vignette - Big Four
  • (2014-01-06)
Some Comfort
  • (2013-10-16)
  • (2013-09-12)
Horus 2.0
  • (2013-08-21)
Toy Soldiers
  • (2013-07-04)
Fourth of July, Adult-side
  • (2013-06-09)
Gathering Dusk
  • (2013-06-02)
  • (2013-05-31)
The Dance
  • (2013-05-26)
Fire Ants and Firelight
  • (2013-05-15)
  • (2013-04-14)
  • (2013-03-20)
Practical Considerations
  • (2013-03-19)
Prison Break
  • (2013-03-17)
  • (2013-03-15)
Physical Therapy
  • (2013-03-12)
  • (2013-03-12)
Loving Reunion
  • (2013-03-12)
Brains, Brains, I Won't Lie...
  • (2013-03-10)
Refugee Camp
  • (2013-03-07)
Pit Stop, Store-side
  • (2013-03-07)
Carnage (Prometheus Raid, Team 1)